
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


MJCS Update 最新訊息

Steve Su

Dear MJCS families,

On 6/6 and with the aid of online classrooms, our MJCS 2019-2020 school year has been completed. This year has been a unique experience and accomplishment for everyone! We would like to thank our teachers and students for their hard work and dedication!

Awardees and Certificates

The 2019-2020 MJCS school year academic awardees’ names will be announced next week. Academic award certificates and graduation certificates will be distributed electronically.

Trophy Pick-up Survey Result

Thank you to all of the parents that voted on the Award Trophy Pick-up Survey. Out of a total of 43 responses, 41 individuals indicated that they would be able to pick up the award trophies should we purchase them. Based on this result, we will order trophies for all awardees that are able to pick them up.

Online Registration Available; Early Registration Discount Ends on 6/20/2020

We sincerely appreciate those who acted promptly and registered. To help administration better prepare for next school year, please register as soon as you can. To reward those who act fast, we are offering $35 discount for registration submitted on and before 6/20/2020.  Our school website URL is:

Notice on Culture Class Registration

Our school has many interesting culture classes. In order to clear up confusion on culture class registration, someone can register in an adult or child culture class without being in or planning to enter a language class. Please spread word about this particular notice.

Year End Appreciation

Due to the state order regarding COVID-19, this year’s appreciation luncheon has been canceled; teachers and staff volunteers will instead receive an Amazon eGift card from the school with the fund from PTO.

Transfer of Position for MJCS Principal and Vice Principal

After serving two years as Vice Principal and one year as Principal, I will be stepping down by the end of June. We would like to welcome Ms. Sharlene Wu, the 2019-2020 Vice Principal, as our next Principal starting from July 1st 2020. As we are still looking for a vice principal candidate, please let us know if you are interested in holding this position.

Thank you for your attention. Please stay safe and well.

Best regards,

Beverly Roun

MJCS Principal







線上註冊開始 優惠價6/15截止









校長 莊麗鳳(貝弗麗)謹啟