MJCS Update 06/13/2020 更新訊息
Steve Su
Dear MJCS families,
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy! I would like to update you several topics:
Awardees and Certificates
We have obtained academic awardees’ names from the teachers, and are working on the certificates. Awardees and graduates’ classes and names will be announced separately. Trophies will only be ordered for those who are willing to pick them up at a designed time and location. Academic award certificates and graduation certificates will be distributed electronically.
Culture Class Tuition Refund
Our treasurer Alex is working on refunding those who attended culture classes that were shuttered due to the quarantine. We will make an announcement once the checks are being sent to parents.
Teachers’ Awards
Teacher Ms. Joy Huang and Ms. Suey-Wah Chiu were awarded the OCAC Teacher’s Awards, specifically for 10 years in service and 20 years in service respectively. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, the awards will be presented through online announcement as opposed to the usual graduation ceremony. Let’s congratulate Ms. Huang and Ms. Chiu for their achievements and thank them for their dedication to the MJCS community!
ACTFL Credit, AP Chinese for East Brunswick High School Students
The following information pertains to those who are or have children that are students in the East Brunswick school system:
If a child graduates from MJCS and pass the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) assessment, he or she are eligible to receive EBHS world language class credits. Additionally, if the student passes the Chinese AP test, he or she can earn credits for colleges that accept AP credits.
Early Registration Discount Extended
Learning a language is a continuous process that requires hard work and dedication; a sizable lapse in learning or using a language can completely or partially wipe away such knowledge, wasting years of irreplaceable hard work. To prevent such a lapse, it is highly recommended for students to continue learning in their language classes each year and for parents to register them for the following year, thus maintaining their proficiency in the language they are learning. We sincerely appreciate those who acted promptly and registered. To help administration better prepare for next school year, please register as soon as you can. To reward those who act fast, we are offering $35 discount for registration submitted on and before 6/20/2020. Our school website URL is: http://www.mjcs.us/
To those who are asking whether he or she can pay through Paypal, our treasurer is currently working on setting up a PayPal account. An announcement will be made once this option is made available.
Notice on Children and Adult Culture Class Registration
Our school has many interesting culture classes. In order to clear up confusion on culture class registration, someone can register in an adult or child culture class without being in or planning to enter a language class. Please spread word about this particular notice. We have quite a few new culture classes, please check while registering.
Year End Appreciation
Due to the state order regarding COVID-19, this year’s appreciation luncheon has been canceled; teachers and staff volunteers will instead receive an Amazon eGift card from the school with the fund from PTO. eGift cards will be sent out as soon as students’ affairs are completed.
Transfer of Position for MJCS Principal and Vice Principal; Board Chair
After serving two years as Vice Principal and one year as Principal, I will be stepping down by the end of June. We would like to welcome Ms. Sharlene Wu, the 2019-2020 Vice Principal, as our next Principal starting from July 1st 2020. As we are still looking for a vice principal candidate, please let us know if you are interested in holding this position.
The school Board Chair Vincent Yang is stepping down too. The new board chair is Jon Lee, the who was our 2017-2019 MJCS Principal.
Thank you for your attention.
Best Regards,
Beverly Roun
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