
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


End of School Year Update 期末訊息

Steve Su

Dear MJCS Family,

This Saturday, June 6th is the final exam for all language classes. We wish our students best of luck on the exam. We would like to give thanks to our students and persevering in learning Chinese culture and language, a worthy feat during this unprecedented time.

Award Certificates, Yearbooks and Trophies

Since there will be no end-of-the-year celebration, all the awards certificates, including academic and contest award certificates, will be distributed electronically. Awardees’ names and classes will be announced through email and on the school website. Yearbooks will also be distributed electronically. Based on the recently released survey, should the majority of parents indicate that they can pick up their students’ trophies, then we will order these trophies. The results of the survey will be updated later on.

Online Registration Is Available. Early Bird Discount

We are proudly announcing that our online registration is officially available! Please visit to register. A $35 discount will be applied should you register before 6/15/2020!

Two New Culture Classes

Besides our current, popular culture classes, we are very excited to announce two new culture classes – Adult Sewing and Tailoring Class offered by fashion designer Ms. Junling Lee and Children’s Yoga & Craft class offered by Ms. Mary Pan.

2020 FASCA Princeton Training Camp Application

This year’s FASCA training camp will take place on 8/22 and 8/23 at Days Hotel on Rt. 18, East Brunswick. You may register from the link here: feel free to contact FASCA Princeton Counselor David Chen at, or Vincent Yang at for any questions or concerns

Looking Forward to September

I know you miss the friends and various activities of our MJCS community, and I know there are many questions about what September will look like. We are paying close attention to current safety concerns and to the options available. We will continue to work on this issue and share information as it becomes available.

Stay safe and well.


Beverly Roun 

MJCS Principal 






 線上註冊開跑 儘早註冊享受優惠

學校官網的線上註冊功能已經完成!請儘快上網 註冊,6/15日前註冊、享受$35元折扣。


在現有的、甚受歡迎的文化課程之外,很榮幸地,下學年學校將新增兩門非常有趣且實用的文化課。一門是「成人服裝服飾創意課」,由設計師李俊玲指導!一門是「兒童瑜珈與手工藝」,由執照教師Mary Pan指導。

 2020 FASCA Princeton 培訓營開始接受報名

本年度FASCA Princeton 培訓營將於8/22及8/23假Days Hotel on Rt. 18, East Brunswick舉行。請由此連結報名: 詳情請洽FASCA指導老師陳至偉, 或楊文篪




校長 莊麗鳳(貝弗麗)敬上