Our Affiliations
Our school is a member of the Chinse American Cultural Association (CACA) and Association of New Jersey Chinese Schools (ANJCS). We collobarate frequently with our affiliates in cultural and academic events to promote Chinese culture and language education around our communities.
我們是中美文化協會, 新澤西州中文學校協會的成員. 我們積極參加本地社區文化和學術交流活動, 以促進中國文化和語言教育。
CACA Fun Day
ANJCS Confucius Ceremony
Association of New Jersey Chinese Schools (ANJCS) is non-profit organization consist of 20 Chinese Schools from the state of New Jersey. ANJCS sponsor four types of activities to promote Chinese language and cultural education in the communites:
- Educational seminars
- Student Academic Events
- Coordination and communication
- Award and Recognition
All Activities are available to member schools, teachers, students
and parents.
Established in 1974, the Chinese American Cultural Association (CACA) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization, devoted to the preservation of Chinese cultural heritage and building community harmony. CACA. has more than 4000 Chinese American members and several sister organizations in the state of New Jersey. Throughout the year, CACA provides programs in:
- Educational seminars
- Student Academic Events
- Coordination and communication
- Award and Recognition
中美文化協會是一個在新澤西州於1974年成立的聯邦認可非營利文化組 織,會員機構包括梅山中文學校,中部中文學校,瑞谷中文學校,聯合中文學 校,愛迪生中文學校,中美合唱團,婦女會,青松會,少年俱樂部,少年交響樂 團等。我們的職志是促進中美文化交流,在美中華文化傳承,並藉由舉辦活動, 推廣欣賞中華文藝及社區互動。
ACS Annual Teachers Conference
The Association of Chinese School (ACS) founded by Prof. Peter P.C. Chou and six schools in Philadelphia at 1974. The goals are to provide a forum for Chinese language and culture schools to share their common interests, to exchange views and ideas, to assist school activities, to improve the quality of teaching, to promote teaching Chinese into main stream of American education system. ACS is a non-profit, non-political independent organization.
The Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors (FASCA) annual workshop
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in New York is one of 12 offices under the Washington D.C.-based Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan's de facto embassy in the United States in the absence of diplomatic ties. TECRO was established in 1979 to represent Taiwan's interests
in the US.