About MJCS
OUr School
Established in 1963, MID-JERSEY (MJCS)
CHINESE SCHOOL is among one of oldest Chinese
Schoolsin New Jersey. Our classes are held in East Brunswick at the Churchill Junior High School, conveniently located just off the NJ Turnpike and Route 18. In addition to language classes, we also offer a wide variety of cultural classes to both children and adults.
Mid-Jersey Chinese School is a non-profit organization under the Chinese American Cultural Association.
Our approach
Deeply focused, we offer a well defined curriculum cater to the needs of our students. We offer Chinese language programs in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Our language classes are divided into multiple tracks to reflect our diverse student body :
Chinese 101 (Chinese as Second Language)
For Non-Mandarin speaking students
(Chinese 101, & CSL3, Age 5 and up)Practical Chinese
For Chinese 101 graduates and
Mandarin speaking students (PC1-8)Tradtional Chinese
For Mandarin speaking students (1A-10A)Cantonese Chinese
For Cantonese speaking studentsACSL (Adult)
For Non-Mandarin speaking adults
Our school was among the first to be certified by the East Brunswick Board of Education in 2006. This enables our students to earn high school world language credits where proficiency levels in standardized oral and written tests are required.
學校有優良及專業的師資,老師們有豐富的教學經驗,有耐心及愛心,認真盡責。校務管理健全,家長們熱心參與學校活動,感情融洽。校舍寬敞潔凈,交通便利。學生在優良的環境學習中文,效果良好。本校課程已獲 East Brunswick 區教委會認證,學生通過ACTFL考試標準,可取得EBHS外語學分。
五歲及以上的學童(Chinese 101) 家庭不說
中文的學生(CS3年級)實用中文班: 雙語班結業生及家庭說部分國語的學生 (PC1-8 年級)
(1A – 10A 年級)傳統中文粵語班:家庭說部分粵語的學生 (KA, C1- C6 年級)
紐澤西中部中文學校除了傳統國語,雙語及粵語課外,還有兒童班及成人班的文化課, 包括: 舞狮, 三太子舞, 折紙、國畫、象棋、籃球、國術、扯鈴、民族舞蹈、珠心算、美術、國樂 - 二胡、拉丁健身操舞等
Our Cultural Classes
We also offer our students and parents a wide range of Chinese cultural classes and programs such as: Lion dance, San Tai Tze dance, origami, brush painting, calligraphy, Chinese chess, basketball, volleyball, martial art, Chinese yo-yo, Chinese folk dance, abacus, Chinese knotting, Er-hu, ping pong, and Zumba dance. (for a complete listing, please check our regristration form or speak to our school admininstration)