MJCS Update 06/21/2020 更新訊息
Steve Su
Dear MJCS Families,
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy! While our teachers and students are on summer break, the Administration Office is still working to complete the 2019-2020 school year and planning for our next semester.
Online Registration
Many parents have already enrolled for next school year’s curriculum by using our online registration program. If you have not yet registered, please visit our school website at: www.mjcs.us and select “Registration” to proceed.
2019-2020 Yearbook is Available
Thanks in part to our former Principal Jon Lee, the 2019-2020 MJCS Yearbook is ready for distribution! Please see attachment. If you would like to print the yearbook, a better resolution copy can be downloaded from here: https://bit.ly/37STx2C
Culture Class Tuition Refund
Our treasurer Alex is working on refunding those who attended culture classes that were unable to be hosted online during the quarantine. Recipients will be contacted for the refund.
CACA Volunteer Awards
This year, two CACA Volunteer Awards will be presented to our Vice Principal Sharlene Wu and Treasurer Alex Yu for their exceptional dedication and hard work.
Additionally, former principal Douglas Chin will be receiving a 10-years in-service certificate.
Former principal Jon Lee and myself will be receiving 15-years in-service certificates.
ANJCS Chamber Orchestra
If your child plays violin, viola or cello, and is interested in participating charity performances at local events, please contact ANJCS Chamber Orchestra Mr. Peter Shen at empire1994@gmail.com or 908-727-7000 for detail.
Contest Award and Academic Award Trophies
Contest awardees are listed on the yearbook. Trophies will be presented to each group in proportion to the number of participants within that group. Some groups have 1st place and 2nd place winners who will receive the trophy, whereas other groups will only have the 1st place winner receiving the trophy. Trophy awardees will be contacted to pick up the trophies this coming weekend.
Thank you all for your attention. This update will conclude my service as principal to MJCS. I wish you and Mid-Jersey Chinese School all the best!
Best Regards,
Beverly Roun
MJCS Principal 2019-2020
願大家都健康平安! 當我們的學生及教師們已經在放暑假的時候,我們的行政人員依然忙碌地進行著2019-2020學年完續以及新學年的籌劃工作。
已經有不少家長在線上完成註冊手續。如果您還沒有註冊的話,請至學校官網 www.mjcs.us 點選“註冊”,進行註冊。
2019-2020 電子年刊出刊
如果您的孩子彈奏小提琴、中提琴或大提琴,且有心參與社區義演的話,請洽交響樂團團長沈尚恆先生瞭解詳情:empire1994@gmail.com or 908-727-7000