04/18/2020 Newsletter 學校通訊
Steve Su
Dear MJCS families,
We hope that everyone is safe and healthy!
Spring break has comes to an end soon, we will resume remote online education this coming Saturday, April 18. Welcome back!
Several points that I wish to address:
1. We are informed that the Churchill Junior High school facility is not available until May 2nd, 2020, we will continue to utilize Zoom meeting for language classes. Cyber security is important, so the link below contains NJCCIC's (The New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell )safety tips on how to make using Zoom and other video-teleconferencing (VTC) platforms securely. Please read and make sure to follow:
2. Essay and Drawing contest is this Saturday. Topics and rules were sent on April 7, hope our students were all had fun preparing for the contest. Contest details and essay paper are attached again with this newsletter.
3. For culture classes, some teachers are offering online classes, that includes Lion dance, Zumba and Yoga classes. For those culture class teachers who are not offering online classes, we will issue tuition refund to the parents should the facility remain closed through out the semester.
4. ACS (National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools) is sponsoring a "Teacher Appreciation Card Design Contest", all students are welcomed to participate. Please see attached contest rules for details.
5. To those who placed an order for cloth masks through TECO (Taipei Economic and Cultural Center), TECO has received the shipments and will mail those to MJCS by the end of April. We will keep you well informed on the delivery, along with where and how to get the masks you ordered.
Again, please stay well and healthy.
Best Regards,
Beverly Roun, Principal
第一,Churchill Junior High school 將持續關閉到五月二日,因此,春假過後,我們還是繼續以Zoom meeting進行中文課程教學。網絡安全非常重要,因此,請務必閱讀且遵循以下這由紐澤西州政府相關單位提供的視訊平台使用安全提醒與建議內容:
校長 莊麗鳳謹啟