
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 9 Newsletter 學校通訊 04/25/2020

Steve Su

Dear MJCS families,

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this unprecedented situation! Let’s all continue to help stop COVID 19 by staying at home, maintaining social distancing, washing our hands often, and wearing masks or face coverings when heading out.

Several points that I wish to address:

  1. First of all, congratulations to the Essay and Drawing contestants, you all did an amazing job! Winners will be announced in May.

  2. To update, the Churchill Junior High school facility will be continued to remain unavailable until May 17th, 2020. To make sure our MJCS members are safe, during the school board video conferencing held on 4/18, we have decided that our Chinese school will be utilizing Zoom meeting for language classes throughout the semester. Yearbook and award certificates will be distributed electronically.

  3. For culture classes, some teachers are offering online classes. For those culture class teachers who are not offering online classes, we will issue a tuition refund or credit it to next year’s tuition.

  4. If you have a Republic of China’s (Taiwan) passport or I.D. and have no immediate family members in Taiwan, you are eligible to purchase surgical mask from TECO. Please contact me and I will forward the application detail to you.

  5. To those who have already placed an order for cloth masks through TECO, we are anticipating the delivery by the end of April. We will keep you well informed on the delivery, along with where and how to get the masks you ordered.

Stay well and enjoy your week!

Best Regards,

Beverly Roun, Principal 






第二,Churchill Junior High school將繼續關閉到五月中。為慎重、保護全校師生健康起見,學校理事們在4/18的理事會議中決定,本校本學期還是繼續以Zoom meeting進行中文課程教學。學年及各項比賽成績和紀念冊等,都將以電子檔方式傳達。





校長 莊麗鳳謹啟