Online Remote Education 3/21 & 3/28
Steve Su
Dear MJCS families,
The MJCS community will be moving to an online remote education using Zoom Meeting for the March 21th and 28th classes. April 4 and April 11 are spring break. We anticipate that regular school days and routines will be able to resume on April 18; however, this prediction is still subject to change and deliberation. Will the culture class teachers please arrange make-up dates for the March 21th and 28th classes.
Students will be responsible for logging onto Zoom Meeting as if it were a regular school day so as to receive instructions from their teachers and engage in classwork. Teachers will be available remotely for assistance via the learning platform or email. For each class, students will receive lessons, have an opportunity for independent practice, and will receive some form of exchange with the teacher. This exchange can be in the form of a discussion, response to submitted work, feedback on practice work, or other activities of the like. Any work assigned to students with a date and time for submission will be graded. All students are accountable for the work presented to them.
Teachers will invite students to participate Zoom Meeting through email. Parents and students can learn how to join Zoom Meeting at any time through the link here:
If you or your children have any specific questions about work, please feel free to email the teacher.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we all work together and continue to make every day count for the students of Mid-Jersey Chinese School.
Stay healthy!
Best Regards,
Beverly Roun
Principal, Mid-Jersey Chinese School