COVID-19 Information & Resources for MJCS Families 新冠病毒訊息
Steve Su
Dear MJCS families,
Although New Jersey currently has very few people with the coronavirus, we should still hope for the best and prepare for the worst. All of you are valued members of the MJCS community, and we want to keep you informed about what is happening with the current status of MJCS.
1. Teachers are asked to learn Zoom Meeting just in case the school is closed. The Zoom Meeting Online training for teachers is scheduled on March 8, Sunday at 7pm.
2. Teachers will then reach out to the parents in the following one to two weeks to teach parents or students on how to use Zoom Meeting.
3. However, parents and students can learn how to join Zoom Meeting at any time through the link here:
Hopefully we do not need Zoom Meeting for Chinese school because of the virus, but if we do, I will send out an email providing our next steps in regards to this.
Here, I would like to remind our MJCS members to please stay at home if you are ill or are feeling sick.
There are steps that you can take to avoid spreading or catching the flu, common cold, and the coronavirus:
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at a time. If access to a sink or soap is not available, using hand sanitizer is still effective to a degree.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid contact with people who are sick.
Stay home while you are sick and avoid contact with others.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
Please watch for the following symptoms, which may appear 2 weeks after initial exposure:
Shortness of breath
Please call your doctor if you:
Develop symptoms, and have been in close contact with a person that has COVID-19
OR, have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19.
Please check the State of New Jersey Department of Health for COVID-19 information for communities and general public: or 24 Hours Hotline: 1-800-222-1222. These sources are trustworthy and will provide updated information on dealing with and identifying the coronavirus.
Stay healthy!
Beverly Roun
1. 教師們已被通知,必須學習如何使用Zoom Meeting教學。 Zoom Meeting的使用線上教學課程訂於三月八日、星期天下午七時。
2. 之後,教師們會與家長聯繫,確定家長及學生知道如何使用Zoom Meeting。
3. 然而,家長及學生不必等侯教師們的通知,可以隨時藉由以下連結學習如何參加Zoom Meeting:
但願我們不會因為新冠病毒而被迫在家使用Zoom Meeting 學習中文。然而,如果有起必要的話,我會以電子郵件通知大家何時進行。
1. 經常以肥皂洗手;至少洗20秒鐘。如果附近沒有洗手處的話,勤用洗手液也有所幫助。
2. 避免用手觸摸眼睛鼻子和嘴巴。
3. 避免與已經生病的人接觸。
4. 若已經生病的話,請待在家裡、避免與人接觸。
5. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時,請用面紙或袖子蓋住口鼻。
1. 發燒
2. 咳嗽
3. 呼吸急促
1. 症狀出現或曾經與已經感染新冠病毒者有過接觸。
2. 最近曾經到已經感染擴散地區出差或旅行。
請查看紐澤西州衛生局網站、或打其24小時免費專線關注新冠病毒動態與訊息。官方訊息比較可靠。該網站及熱線皆有中文訊息或服務。: 或1-800-222-1222.