
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week Three

Douglas Chin

Dear MJCS Families,

We are hosting the 12th Annual Confucius Memorial Ceremony this Saturday. Students will gather at their classrooms at regular time (9:30am), teachers will guide the students to the gym for the ceremony at 10am. Please join us to celebrate this special cultural event.  

Sunday’s Barbecue was a success. It was a lot of fun and we look forward to the next one in the Spring. Here is a couple of announcements for this week:

  1. Our tutoring class headed by teacher Joy Hu will start on 10/7. Class starts at 11:30 am at the Cafetorium. If your child is interested, please speak to their teacher directly.
  2. Our in-class contest is scheduled on 10/28, in-school contest on 11/18, and CACA contest on 12/2 at Murray Hill. Please talk to your teacher regarding speech topics. 
  3.  ANJCS is hosting a webex seminar on college admission. It is on October 8, 2017. Please register before October 6, 2017.  For more information, please go to the event tab on our site. 


第十二屆祭孔典禮本週六將在本校體育館舉行, 本校師生都將參與這場盛會,  學生們請準時在9:30進入教室,各班教師將會引導學生們在上午十時進入體育館觀禮。


  1. 由胡瑞華老師所帶領的中文課後輔導將於十月七日開始進行。輔導課時間是十一點三十分,地點在大禮堂。歡迎需要或想要加強中文學習的學生參與。
  2. 本年度演講比賽已定。班級演講比賽訂於10/28,校內比賽訂於11/18, CACA五校校際比賽將於12/2在梅山中文學校舉行。請與洽詢教師講題。
  3. 全美中文學校聯合總會將以【如何申請進入理想的大學】為題,舉辦一場線上講座 – 時間是 2017年10月8日(星期日)美東時間晚上八點至九點, 美中七點至八點, 美西五點至六點。詳情請見附件。