Week Two
Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
Our school opening went smoothly last week and we hope kids have settled in and getting acclimated to their teachers and classmates.
We have a lot of activities and events lining up in the next several weeks and we like
to share with you:
- This Sunday, September 17th is our annual Fall Semester BBQ. It will be held at the Bicentennial Park (East Brunswick) from 12 to 5 pm. Fee is $5 a person. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new families and make friends.
- The Mid-Jersey Chinese School Parent Teacher Organization (MJCS PTO) will be having a Parent Reception this Saturday in the cafetorium from 10:40am-11:30am. Come meet other parents from Chinese school and learn more about this year's PTO activities. Refreshments will be served.
- Next Saturday (9/23) is the 12th Annual Confucius Memorial Ceremony and will take place in our school. This is an Association of New Jersey Chinese School event and will be attended by many of its members. All of our students will participate in this important cultural event, and we courage parents to join. Ceremony runs from 10am to 12pm.
- Ticketsf for Chio-Tien Folk Drums & Art Troupe on Double Ten National Day Celebration are on sale. Performance is on 9/23, 7pm at The performing Arts Center at Watchung Hills, 108 Sterling Road, Warren, NJ07059
- Our Adult Chinese Class for Non-Chinese Speakers is open. Please come to the cafetorium to register.
- Cultural classes are open for registration. We have volleyball, basketball, Chinese painting, origami, Chinese yoyo, Chinese chess, abacus, Traditional Chinese dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese Folk Art, Kung Fu, Adult Chinese painting, Adult Kung Fu, and Adult Zumba.
Every week the PTO will have ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards for sale. 5%-6% of all sales will be donated to the school.
Vendors offering lunch boxes will be in the Cafetorium lobby each week from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's vendors are Asian Wok and Hsiu Ling Taiwanese Kitchen.
- 本週日 9/19 下午12點到5點是本校眾所引頸期盼的年度秋季烤肉活動。活動地點在東布朗市Bicentennial Park ,費用是每人$5。這是一個讓師生及家長們認識彼此、聯誼的好機會!
- 本校學生家長會將於本週六上午10:40-11:30 在大廳舉辦家長會。請大家前來相互認識、同時瞭解家長會本學年的活動。會中備有點心招待。
- 第十二屆祭孔典禮將在本校舉行,時間是下週六 (9/23) 10點到12點。這是由新澤西中文學校協會主辦的活動。
本校師生都將到場觀禮。歡迎家長們也踴躍參加。 - 慶祝中華民國106年雙十國慶文化訪問團公演,今年將由極受好評的九天民俗鼓藝團擔綱演出。本校代理的票價是$20一張。 座位有限!請速訂購!時間: 9/23 週六下午七時。地點:The performing Arts Center at Watchung Hills, 108 Sterling Road, Warren, NJ07059
- 本校文化課課程豐富!請學生及家長們踴躍報名參加。學生文化課有:排球、籃球、國畫、剪紙、扯鈴、象棋、珠算、民俗舞、國樂團、武術, 中國民間藝術等。家長文化課有:國畫、武術及尊巴舞等。
此外,家長會備有ShopRite, 漢龍(Hmart) 及大華超市( 99 Ranch Market)禮卡待售。面額$50及$100. 本校將獲致面額百分之五到六的捐款。請踴躍購買、協助學校募款!
本週美食攤位有秀玲台灣小廚及Asian Wok
新州中部中文學校教務處 謹啟