Week One
Douglas Chin
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
On behalf of our teachers and administration, welcome to the Mid-Jersey Chinese School. We hope you all had a great summer.
As we entering our 55th year, we are working diligently to ensure we provide the most optimal learning experience for our students. This year we are making couple of important changes based on feedback and suggestions from our students and parents:
1: Newly revised syllabus to help student feel what they learned in class is both practical and relatable.
2: Combined KA, CS1 and CSL2 to form a 2 year class to enable students more time to build their Chinese fundamentals. This is our new “Chinese 101” class. Teacher will evaluate students at the end of the school year to determine their readiness. Qualified students can either move up to CSL3 or 1A.
3 Combined PC7 & PC8 classes as one. This will provide our advanced students more time for immersion. This new class will be called “Advanced Chinese”.
Our fall semester starts at 9:30am this Saturday, September 9, 2017.
Please plan to arrive early to help your child find their classroom. Classes and room numbers will be posted at the main entrance of the classroom building. Volunteers will be stationed at the school entrance to assist you. Please remind your child that eating is prohibited inside the classroom and use caution when walking on the stairway to the upper building.
We have many planned activities this year. The BBQ on September 17 at Bicentennial Park , East Brunswick will be our first. It will be a great opportunity to meet new families and talk about your fun-filled summer over hot dogs and burgers. More details to come this Saturday. Look forward to seeing you all.
Our school communicates primarily via e-mail. If there is a change in your email, please inform us at your earliest convenience.
MJCS Administration and PTO
僅代表教師與⾏政⼯作⼈員,歡迎⼤家回到中部中⽂學校、也歡迎新成員加 ⼊這個⼤家庭!相信⼤家都有⼀個愉快的暑假假期!
第二、整合傳統國語幼稚班, 雙語⼀班與雙語⼆班,成為⼀個兩年的課程,讓學⽣們有更充⾜的時間打下紮實的中⽂基礎。我們將這個課程定名為【中⽂101】課程。⽼師將會在學期末評估學⽣的程度,決定學⽣是否已經打好應有的基礎。達到標準的學⽣將可升⼊雙語三年級或傳統⼀甲課程。
這學年中,我們已經安排好了幾項聯誼活動。其中,九⽉⼗七⽇在東布朗市的Bicentennial Park舉辦的烤⾁活動,將是這⼀連串活動的序曲。這是⼀個與新⽣、舊⽣們唔⾯、在燒烤美⾷中話家常、分享暑假活動趣聞的好機會!細節隨後公佈!期待⼤家把握機會、踴躍參與!