Week Eight
Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
- This Saturday is our in-class speech contest and the in-school contest is scheduled on 11/18. Please make sure your kids are prepared.
- There is no cultural class this week.
- We have make-up class picture day for the following classes: Chinese 101, 1A, 9A, PC3, Adult Chinese. For teachers and staff group shot, please meet up at the school main entrance at 9:15 am.
- Our former principal, Susanna Chiu is running for re-election to the East Brunswick Board of Education. Susanna is a tireless supporter of our school for many years. Her commitment to the community, experience as a parent, a keen understanding of the school district challenges, are important reasons we support her to advance East Brunswick’s culture of excellence. Go vote for Susanna Chiu on November 7th.
- ANJCS is offering a free online college application seminar on 11/5 (Sunday). If you are interested, please see details in our event page and register online before 11/3 at:
From our PTO:
- The PTO will be sponsoring a Halloween party this Saturday from 11:30-12:30. Students should change into their Halloween costumes once Chinese language classes are over and head into the Cafetorium. Students will be invited to go onstage to show off their costumes and can then go trick-or-treating from table to table. Please remember to bring a bag to hold all your treats! Youth volunteers will also have face painting and painting mini pumpkins.
If parents would like to volunteer to decorate a Halloween table and supply treats to the kids, we still have space for a few more tables. Please sign-up here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-midjersey2
2) Every week the PTO will have ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards for sale. 5%-6% of all sales are donated back to the school.
3) Domoko Sushi Ramen will be selling teriyaki lunch boxes and assorted sushi rolls in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm.boxes and sushi rolls).
MJCS Admin and PTO
- 本週六是班級演講比賽日,請家長敦促學生們準備充足!
- 本週沒有文化課。
- 本週將進行最後階段團體照拍攝。 班級有: 基礎中文101、傳統中文一甲、傳統中文九甲、實用中文3、成人中文班及義工行政人員和全體教師。
- 本週沒有文化課。
- 前校長Susanna Chiu將再度角逐東布朗市學區委員。她對社區服務的熱忱以及她對學區所面臨的挑戰的敏銳的觀察與瞭解,值得我們的支持。11/7, 請投她一票!
- 需要或想要加強中文的學生,胡瑞華老師每週六11:30-12:30間在大禮堂提供特別指導。請把握機會、更上一層樓。
- 新澤西中文學校學會將在11/5舉辦另一場大學申請講座。請在11/3以前登記:
- 上週六的早餐義賣成果輝煌!總共募集到$354美元!感謝捐贈美食與捧場購買的家長們共襄盛舉!
- 家長會本週活動是萬聖節遊行活動!時間是11:30到12:30。學生們可上台服裝展示、且逐桌要糖。青少年義工也將提供畫臉及畫小南瓜的活動。請熱心的家長們由此連結報名參加佈置或捐獻點心糖果等:http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-midjersey2
- 家長會將在廊堂銷售超市禮卡,有ShopRite, 漢龍超市及大華超市等!請大家踴躍購買。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣,嘉惠學子。感謝大家的支持!
- 本週美食攤: Domoko日本壽司及便當。
教務處及家長會 謹啟