
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 32

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families: 

Let’s congratulate below students won In-School Essay and Drawing contest this year!!

What a FUN day!  It was really fun and a very successful event done at our school on the past Sunday.  Not only that, first time we even won the first place at Tug of War!  We like to thank every person helped out and came to the event!  Looking forward to having another great time in next year.

Anyone likes Chinese music should not miss it.  In June, 2 concerts will be presented by 2 different Chinese youth orchestra!   One will be played by ANJCS Youth Chinese Orchestra at Rutgers University on 6/25.  The other one will be played by MFC Youth Orchestra at Drew University on 6/4.  For more information or ticket purchase, please check the poster posted on school bulletin board at cafeteria or ask the school Administration.

Summer is only 1 month away.  Wondering how to let your child to spend this long summer vacation?  No worry!  Below 2 summer camps are very fun and we now accept registration:

2016 CACA Summer Camp – 7/25 to 7/29 from 9am to 4pm.  Registration is due by 5/22.  You can find all details in the website:  Or, please come to our Administration from more details.

2016 AJNCS Youth Chinese Orchestra Summer Day Camp -- 7/2 to 7/4 from 9am to 4pm.  You can find all details in the website: www.anjcs.orgOr, please come to our Administration from more details.

Please note the school safety duty is mandatory and is not part of PTO volunteer credit.

Early registration is starting until 6/4.  $30 discount will be given for the early registration. 

ACTFL test will be scheduled in May.  Our upper grade class students who are taking the test this year, please soon register with our administration office.  Thank you

Our yearbook sponsoring will be closed by 5/21.  If you need the sponsor form, please contact with school administration.

Don’t forget to check out our school website under “Event” and “TECO” every week.  We always have new activities posting in the school website.

5/28 -- Memorial Day - 停課 School Closed

6/4 – Final Exam

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

5/28-5/29 -- ACS Annual meeting

PTO News:

  1. Please help the PTO in its goal to sell $18,000 of Shoprite and hMart Giftcards. PTO receives 5%from each giftcard purchased. This will enable the PTO to donate $900 to the school. Giftcards will be available for sale in the lower lobby at drop-off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria.  Thank you for your continued support.
  2. A big thank you to all the parents who volunteered during the CACA Funday. Your help was crucial in making the event fun and rewarding. Thanks again for giving up your Sunday to help out. For those parents who wanted more information on the Capoeira Cultural Center, you can go to
  3. There will be a PTO meeting on May 21, 2016 from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Li-Ching Jung of the Chinese American Cultural Association (CACA) will be giving a brief talk on how the CACA relates to MJCS. At this meeting we will be voting for the PTO Vice Chairperson(s) for the 2016-2017 school year.
  4. The following classes will be participating in the Graduation Ceremony on June 11, 2016: KA, CSL3, PC8 and 10A. One parent volunteer is needed from each class to help with the rental of the graduation cap and gowns. If you are interested in helping your child’s class prepare for graduation, please stop by the PTO desk on Saturday after drop-off for more information.
  5. Vendors for this week are:
    Asian Wok
    Happy Family
    Tasty Bakery – Our newest vendor will be selling baked goodies, stop by and sample their delicious buns, cakes and breads
    Yvonne’s Kitchen       

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO









所有喜愛國樂的家長和同學不要錯過了六月份的二場國樂演奏會!一場時間是6/25 在Rutgers大學由ANJCS青少年國樂團表演。另一場時間是6/4在Drew大學由長風少年中樂團表演。 相關資訊和購票方式會公佈在學校公佈欄上或請向教務處詢問。


中美文化協會夏令營 -- 7/25到7/29,早上九點到下午四點。 報名截止日期是5/22.  請進正式網址::  查獲詳細內容或是請到教務處詢問及報名。

新澤西中文學校協會青少年國樂團夏令營 --7/2到7/4,早上九點到下午四點。請進正式網址 查獲詳細內容或是請到教務處詢問及報名。


2017學年提早註冊已經開始到6/4註冊截止。 提早註冊的家庭將會得到30元的折扣。

今年5月的ACTFL考試已經接受報名。 任何高年級學生請盡快向教務處報名。謝謝


請留意每週本校網站中的Event和TECO,我們一直會有新推出的活動放在學校網站上。 請踴躍報名。

溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站


5/28 -- 國殤節 - 停課

6/4 – 期末考

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):

5/28-5/29 -- ACS 美東中文學校年會


  1. 請幫助我們達到今年$18,000禮卷銷售的目標!這將幫助學校獲得$900的捐助。請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮券。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈
  2. 特別感謝這次所有參與園遊會的義工家長們。您們犠牲寶貴週日休息的時間而來支持學校的活動使得這次活動十分成功。 任何對當日巴西武術表演團體有興趣的家長,請上網站
  3. 本週六家長會將於早上十點開始到十一點30分結束。中美文化協會會長將蒞臨本校並為大家介紹該協會和本校之間的關係。 在這次家長會中我們會投票選出下屆學年的副理事長。
  4. 所有KA, CSL3, PC8 和傳統10A班的同學將會參加今年的畢業典禮。我們需要各一位家長幫每一班租畢業禮服和禮帽。 如果您有興趣幫您的小孩準備畢業典禮,請本週六至家長會處
  5. 下是本周美食攤位:
    Asian Wok
    Happy Family
    Tasty Bakery –歡迎新加入的甜心餅屋!
    Yvonne’s Kitchen



教務處及家長會 敬上