Welcome Back to MJCS!
Calvin Liu
謹代表紐澤西中部中文學校全體老師及校務人員,熱烈歡迎您們再一次相聚在本校美麗的校園。本校今年將邁入創校第53週年,我們也衷心期盼在這新的一學年,能與各位家長們一同努力,為我們下一代學習中華文化創造更好的學習環境和學習效果。 本學年秋季班將于9月19日上午9點30分開學,請各位家長提早到學校,以幫助您的孩子找到新教室。教室安排圖將會在學校大樓入口處張貼。 提醒各位同學,在教室內請勿飲食,在走道及樓梯上下請慢行以保持安全。
今年本校也同樣的會計劃安排各種校內及校外的活動及比賽,希望各位家長及同學們都能熱烈參加,共襄盛舉。再次地感謝本校每一位的參與,包括老師,校務,家長們,同學們,及許多熱情幫忙的義工們。惟有大家手牽手,心連心,共同努力,才能讓我們的孩子們在學習中文上贏得先機,不忘記自己中華文化的根和中文的美,繼續著中華文化薪火的傳遞。 本校的主要聯絡方式是經由e-mail,如果各位家長的e-mail地址有更改,請馬上通知學校,以與學校保持密切聯系。謝謝您的合作。
教務處及家長會 敬上
September 3, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
On behalf of the teachers and administration, welcome to the Mid-Jersey Chinese School. We are now entering our 53rd year, and we are looking forward to working with everyone this year to continue to make this a great learning experience for our children.
The fall semester starts at 9:30 am on Saturday, September 19, 2015. Please plan to arrive early to help your child find the right classroom. The classroom assignments will be posted at the main entrance of the classroom building on the first day of the school.
A reminder for everyone, please remind children that there is no eating inside classrooms and to use caution on the stairway.
We have a lot of activities planned for this year, but it is only possible with your help and support. Thanks to everyone – teachers, administration, parents, students, community members – for working together towards our goal of teaching the Chinese language, preserving Chinese heritage, and promoting Chinese culture.
Please note that our method of communication will be primarily by e-mail. Please help us keep in touch with you by providing us with your current e-mail addresses.
Best Regards,
MJCS Administration and PTO