Week 36, 2015
Calvin Liu
June 13, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Graduation Day 10am – 1pm. Come celebrate and have fun.
Congratulations to all for the completion of the 2014-2015 school year.
Have a safe and fun summer.
Hope to see everyone return in September.
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
PTO News:
1. PTO still have open slots for volunteers to help us serve pizza for the Year End Celebration. Please check your email from Sign Up Genius sent earlier in the week.
2. Reminder, this weekend will be the last day to pick up your PTO Refund if you have not done so. No PTO refund will be given out after the last day of school. PTO will need to close out the books and forward information to treasurer. It is your responsibility to ask for your refund as it is impossible for us to try and track you down. Please keep in mind we are all volunteers. Mary Pan has volunteer to take responsibility of handling the PTO refund during the Graduation/Year End Celebration. If you cannot find her, ask any school staff or Lin to point her out to you.
4. Room parents for the graduating class, please stop by the PTO desk to pick up cap and gowns for your class first thing in the morning and return them to Sharon and Henry Shih who has volunteered to collect rental cap and gown after ceremony.
3. Reminder, we are still holding plenty of Shoprite and Hmart giftcards. Please help us sell thru for the year by purchasing them to cover for your extra food shopping during the summer season. Thank you for your support.
4. Vendor this week:
BO HAI DUMPLING (Stock up for the summer!!!)
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 6月13日
本周是學期最後一天, 這個學年完滿結束. 謝謝大家的支持,也希望大家有個愉快的暑假, 下個學期見. 這個星期六畢業奬典禮和頒獎儀式由早上十㸃到下午一點在學校禮堂舉行.
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 家長會仍然需要義工在年終慶祝會上幫忙派遞食物. 如果你還沒有完成家長會所要求的兩次義工活動, 這將是你最後的一個機會拿回你五十元的訂金. 請到家長會前幾天寄出的Sign Up Genius報名.
- 如果你已經完成家長會所要求的二次義工活動, 請到家長會拿回你的訂金. 學校完結後家長會將不再退回任何訂金. 家長會需要把所有的帳務交給財務. 到家長會拿回你的訂金是你的責任,希望大家明白,家長會的成員都是義工, 因此我們沒有辦法和時間去處理 每一個個案, 希望大家合作. 這個星期因為是年終慶祝會. 所以訂金退回將由上屆 家長會會長陳慕儀負責.
- 希望各位家長繼續支持家長會的Hmart 和Shoprite 禮物劵義買. 可以多買留待暑期間使用. 希望家長多多購賣,我們非常感激你的支持
- 本周的美食攤位有渤海村, 歡迎大家購買享用.
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