Week 2
Calvin Liu
September 22, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Greatly appreciated for all your helps on the first day of the school last Saturday!
This year we are very excited to have 2 new culture classes opened: Chinese Orchestra - ErHu and Adult Stained Glass. Both teachers are great and well experienced. Don’t miss out this great opportunity to learn Erhu instrument and fun stained glass making! Also, we are very excited to have a new teacher, Ms. Crystal Hon, for Children Art & Craft class this year. She will showcase her art works this Saturday and please do stop by the cafeteria! Looking forward to seeing more students signing up for these classes
Please note we will not have Yoyo 1 class this Saturday due to teacher Jonathan Brown's absence. Make-up class will be announced later.
To celebrate the Double Ten Notional Day, this year T.E.C.O. is bringing us the very famous Taiwanese Ming-Hua Yuan performance on 10/2/15 at Park Performing Arts Center, Union City, New Jersey! For more details, please visit our school website under “Event”. Ticket selling is available at our Administration office.
This Saturday Asian In NY's Annual Fashion Show will feature a runway show to showcase Taiwanese designers: Malan Breton's and Jessica Chen's Spring/Summer 2016 collections. Come experience Taiwan's fashion at Grand Central on 9/26/15 at 1pm – 2pm. For more details, please visit website: http://www.asianinny.com/?p=56599/
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information: www.mjcs.us
Upcoming MJCS activities
10/3 – Fall Registration Ends, Chang Class Ends, New Parents Welcome Reception 10:30am~11:30am
10/10 – Fire Drill 11am – 11:10am
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
9/26 – ANJCS Confucius Memorial Ceremony at Jersey Shore Chinese School from 10am~12pm
10/4 - ANJCS Raising Flag Ceremony from 10am -12pm at Birchwood Manor, Whippany, NJ
10/10 - ANJCS China-Town Parade at 4pm (free bus provided)
PTO News
Please support the PTO by purchasing Shoprite and HMart gift cards. The PTO receives 5% from the sales of the gift cards. Gift cards can be purchased in the lobby at drop off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria.
This week, PTO is starting the Reuse and Recycle Fundraiser. Please donate your gently used books, board games and toys to the PTO. PTO will have a table in the lobby to sell the used items weekly. Please note that only items in good condition will be accepted for the fundraiser. Thank you in advance for your contribution.
The 2nd Annual East Brunswick Day event was quite a success. We had many families stop by to learn more about MJCS. We are grateful to Mary Pan and Sharon Shih for assisting with the set up of the booth. Many thanks to all the volunteers and staff who helped at the booth throughout the afternoon.
Mark your calendars! There will be a New Parent Welcome Reception on 10/3/2015 from 10:30am to 11:30am. Come meet your PTO team for this year and your fellow parents. The MJCS Principal and Board Chairperson will also be on hand to answer any questions. Refreshments will be served.
The vendors for this week are:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 9月22日
今年非常難得我們新増兩個很棒的文化課:國樂二胡和成人玻璃彩繪班!我們的兩位老師都是非常有經驗和熱忱。 還有今年的美術勞作課是由我們新的老師 韓文寶老師教學。很感謝韓老師星期六會在學校大廳展示她的作品,歡迎大家前來欣賞、參觀! 請大家踴躍報名參加我們的文化課
今年僑委會為慶祝中華民國雙十國慶,特別邀請明華園戲劇總團帶來國家級台灣傳統戲曲表演! 時間訂於10月2日在紐澤西友聯中心的公園藝術表演中心盛大演出。 詳細說明請點入本校網站活動項目。 有興趣者請星期六向教務處購票。
星期六在紐約Grand Central Terminal 1-2pm有許多台灣服裝設計師聯合舉辦一場服裝秀。 詳細說明請點入網頁: http://www.asianinny.com/?p=56599/
溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站: www.mjcs.us
10/3 - 秋季班註冊截止, 轉班截止, 家長迎新座談 10:30am to 11:30am
10/10 - 消防演習 11am to 11:10am
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
9/26 - 新澤西中文學校協會祭孔大典將於新海中文學校舉行 10am to 12pm
10/4 - ANJCS 雙十升旗典禮 星期日上午10:00-12:00 at Birchwood Manor, Whippany, NJ
10/10 - ANJCS 雙十紐約市中國城遊行 at 4pm (免費巴士接送)
- 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!
- 本週六開始家長會將開始資源回收募款活動。請大家將家中不要的但狀況良好的衣服,書和玩具等捐贈出來。 我們會每週在學校大廳舉行拍賣募款。
- 好消息!第二屆Esat Brunswick日舉辦的很成功。有許多家庭來到本校攤位查詢! 在此十分感謝Mary Pan和Sharon Shih及所有本校義工和員工的幫忙和付出!
- 本週六是新進家長歡迎會 10:30到11:30。歡迎所有新加入本校的家長認識我們的家長會成員
- 以下是本周美食攤位:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen