Week 35, 2015
Douglas Chin
June 06, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Language Classes are in session. NO Culture Class. CSL1/CSL2 teacher, Michael Chang, and PC8 teacher, Sherry Wu will be absent for the rest of school year due to personal matter, We will have substitute teacher for these two classes.
Final Exams. Please make sure your child is prepared.
Saturday is the last day for early registration.
Thank you to all who supported the Relay For Life Basketball Game.
Essay and Drawing Contest results in the Events Tab.
Upcoming MJCS activities
06/13 – Graduation Day (10am-1pm)
06/13 – NO Culture Class
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
PTO News:
1. For the families who have earned two credits for the year by volunteering in our PTO events, please stop by the PTO desk and pick up your PTO refund for the year. PTO will not issue any refunds once the school year is over. We need to close out our books and forward paperwork to treasurer. It is your responsibility to pick up your refund.
2. Please stop by the PTO desk and stock up on Shoprite and Hmart giftcards for the summer. We are so close to reaching our goal of $17,000 in purchases for the year!! We are holding $2400 in gift cards. Pleasee help us sell thru for the year! Your support is very much appreciated.
3. Parents with students in graduating class KA, CKA, CSL3, 10A and 8A, please remember to drop off your $7 rental fee, $20 refundable deposit and child's height measurement to room parent who will be collecting for the cap n gown rental. This Saturday is the deadline. PTO needs to get this info and have gowns ready for distribution next week for the graduation celebration. Thank you Lydia Tam, Yulan Brown, Eva Yong, Katie Kung and Irene Chan for your help!
Vendors this week:
1.Happy Family
2. Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 6月6日
這個星期六中文課照常上課, 文化課停課. CSL1/CSL2張佳傑老師和 PC8 吳名嬡老師因私人原因, 將會缺席, 由其他老師代課. 期末考試, 希望各位家長幫助小朋友們多多溫習, 爭取最好的成績.
非常多謝大家對癌症協會Relay-For-Life MJCS員工和青年義工藍球友誼賽的支持.
這個星期六是提前注册最後一天, 請大家盡快注册. 請家長在網上打印註冊資料。請點擊www.mjcs.us.
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
6/13-畢業典禮(10am-1pm) 6/13-文化課停課
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
1) 如果你已經完成家長會所要求的二次義工活動, 請到家長會拿回你的訂金. 學校完結後家長會將不再退回任何訂金.
2)希望各位家長繼續支持家長會的Hmart 和Shoprite 禮物劵義買. 可以多買留待暑期間使用.
我們差不多達到銷售16,000 元的目標. 晢時還有價值1,200元的禮物券. 希望家長多多購賣, 我們非常感激你的支持
3) 畢業奬典禮和頒獎儀式在六月十三日舉行. 如果你的小孩在KA, CKA, CSL3, 10A, PC8
班, 請不要忘記向班里負責人交 七元畢業袍的租金, 二十元的訂金還有你小孩的高度. 這個星期六是最後一天. 家長會需要這些資料來訂定下個星期的畢業袍。多謝Lydia Tam, Yulan Brown, Eva Yong, Katie Kung and Irene Chan 的幫忙.
3) 本周的美食攤位有朱記快樂小食, 李記台式便當, 歡迎大家購買享用
紐澤西中部中文學校 教務處及家長會敬上