
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 34, 2015

Douglas Chin

May 30, 2015


Dear MJCS Families: 

Language and Culture Classes are in session.

PTO Meeting at Cafeteria from 10am – 11am.  Those interested in volunteering for various staff positions, please inquire at this meeting.  Your participation is crucial for the operation of the school.

Please support The American Cancer Society’s Relay-For-Life by attending the highly anticipated basketball match between the MJCS Staff vs. The Youth Volunteers.  100% of the ticket sales will be donated to Relay-For-Life.  The game will be held at the gym around 12:00pm.  Come and support your team, your school and your community.  Bring a friend !

Congratulations to Ms. Feng Jwu Lee (KA) for winning the ACS Teacher of the Year award.  It was very well deserved.

Farewell to MJCS’ very own Yo-Yo teacher, Thomas Brown.  Thomas has been with MJCS as a student, alumnus, volunteer and culture class teacher.  NYU is very lucky to have him enrolled in September.  We wish you all the best on your next rite of passage.  You will always be welcomed at MJCS.  We will miss you.  Good Luck.  Congrats to the Brown family for raising a wonderful young man.

Reminder: Early registration has begun and will continue until 06/06/15.


Upcoming MJCS activities

  • 06/06 – Final Exams

  • 06/06 – NO Culture Class

  • 06/06 – Early registration ends

  • 06/06 – Staff / Teacher year-end lunch (12pm-2pm)

  • 06/13 – Graduation Day (10am-1pm)

  • 06/13 – NO Culture Class


    Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):


    PTOPTO News:
    1. PTO MEETING in cafeteria ( 10 am to 11 am) !!!! 
    PTO looking for volunteers to share Vice PTO seat for next year. Please consider, great opportunity to make an impact in your child's Chinese studies, make new friends and help support and promote our MJCS in our community. 
    2. Students in Class KA, CKA, CSL3, 10A, PC8 will be participating in the June 13, 2015 Graduation and Awards ceremony.
    PTO is looking for a room parent from each of the above class to help coordinate the cap-n- gown rental. Please pick up form from PTO. 
    The room parent will collect $7 from each student for the rental of cap n gown which will include a tassel w/ gold 2015 charm for student to keep and a deposit of $20 in cash or check ( refundable once cap n gown is returned after ceremony). The room parent will collect child's height info from each student so PTO will be able to distribute gowns accordindingly. All needs to be collected by 6/6 deadline. Room parent will pick up cap n gown from PTO on 6/13, 9:15 am and distribute to class. Room parent will collect all cap n gowns after ceremony, return deposit to parents and drop off cap n gown to PTO. Your help is very much appreciated! 
    3. Vendors this week:
    Asian wok 
    Happy family
    Hsui Ling Taiwanese kitchen
    Jen Lee


    Best Regards

    MJCS Administration and PTO


2015   530





這個星期六中文課, 文化課照常上課.   CSL1/CSL2張佳傑老師和 PC8 吳名嬡老師因私人原因, 將會缺席三個星期, 由其他老師代課.

各位家長請注意,  家長會會議由早上十點到十一點在學校禮堂舉行.   家長會由九月開始需要副會長兩名. 如有興趣或有任何問題, 請參加這次會議. 你的參與非常重要.

MJCS員工和青年義工藍球友誼賽十二點鍾在學校體育館舉行. 所有門票的收入將會捐贈給美國癌症協會Relay-For-Life作為慈善用何. 希望大家多多支持你的團隊, 學校和社區, 慷慨解囊, 多做善事.


恭喜潘鳳竹老師榮獲美東中文學校協會2015年最佳老師奬. 你的獲奬是實屬名歸, 更是我們中文學校的榮耀.
扯鈴老師Thomas Brown 九月將到紐約大學就讀, 因此不能再擔任老師. 非常感謝你對我們中文學校作出的貢獻, 希望你在新的學校新的環境一切順利. 不要忘了有空回來探望.
本週2015-2016提前註册開始。請大家盡快注冊.  請家長在網上打印註冊資料。請點擊

溫馨小提示,  如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法,  請到䋞站




6/6- 文化課停課





其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):




1) 家長會正積極尋2015-2016副主席的位置。家長會崗位選舉將於530早上十點到十一點在學校禮堂舉行。請加入我們的學校社區在幫助塑造我們的學生未來的前途。
2) 畢業奬典禮和頒獎儀式在六月十三日舉行.    KA, CKA, CSL3, 10A, PC8  的學生將會有一個畢業典禮. 家長會正需要義工幫忙協助畢業禮服的分配, 詳情請到家長會詢問. 謝謝你們的幫忙.
3) 本周的美食攤位有朱記快樂小食,日式便當,秀玲小食,  李記台式便當,   歡迎大家購買享用



紐澤西中部中文學校 教務處及家長會敬上