Week 33, 2015
Douglas Chin
May 23, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
No classes this Saturday in observation for Memorial Day. Have a safe and pleasant weekend.
ACS Annual Conference (Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel). Saturday (5/23) and Sunday (5/24).
Thank you to all who attended and / or volunteered for the CACA Fun Day.
Reminder: Early registration has begun and will continue until 06/06/15.
American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life will be captained by Janet Zhao with assistance from Simon Chen’s MJCS Youth Volunteers. If you support the cause, please consider donating to MJCS’ team at this link;
Due date for CACA summer camp registration will be extended until 5/31 due to national holiday, no school this weekend. For anyone is interested, please submit your completed documents with check to our vice principal, Vincent Yang, on next Saturday, 5/30. Thank you.
Chinese Instrument class - Er-hu 二胡班 starting in coming Semester. It will be one hour class from 11:30 to 12:30 taught by Max Wei. Anyone who is going to take this class needs to prepare the Er-hu二胡for the class. If anyone needs to know where to buy it, please contact our vice principal, Vincent Yang. Thank you.
Er-hu instructor, Max Wei has played er-hu for 14 years. He started to learn Er-Hu at age 10. He had been the concert master and an er-hu soloist for the Buddha’s Light Youth Chinese Orchestra for 3 years before graduating from High School. In SUNY Stony Brook, he continued his solo performances for the full 4 years of college life. After graduation, he still constantly gets invited to perform in Stony Brook University. He has also taught er-hu private lessons for 2 two years.
Remember: Please turn your attention to our website mjcs.us, events link for upcoming events.
Upcoming MJCS activities
05/30 – In-School Abacus Contest
05/30 – PTO Meeting (10am-11am). Volunteers need for 2015-2016 staff positions.
05/30 – MJCS Staff and Parents Vs. Youth Volunteers Basketball game to raise money for Relay For Life. (12:30pm GYM)
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 5月23日
這個星期六因國殤節,中文課, 文化課停課. 希望大家有個愉快的假期.
CACA年會(Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hote), 星期六(5/23), 星期日(5/24)在紐約法拉盛舉行.
本週2015-2016提前註册開始。請大家盡快注冊. 請家長在網上打印註冊資料。請點擊www.mjcs.us.
美國癌症協會Relay for life 是一個非常有意義的活動, 除了可以募集捐款之外, 也可以讓我們對癌症多一點認識. 最重要的是通過這個活動, 我們可以教育小孩們有一顆慈善的心, 去關愛有需要幫助的他人. 今年的領隊是Janet Zhao, 當然還有我們的Simon Chen 和MJCS的青年義工. 希望大家多支持這個活動, 如想捐款, 請到http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY15EA?px=36465850&pg=personal&fr_id=66876
由於本周學校因國殤節停課一天,由中美文化協會所舉辦的夏令營活動報名截止日期將延後至下週日/5月31日。任何有興趣參加的學生請將完整的報名表及付款支票於下週六/5月30日交給副校長 楊文箎。謝謝
好消息:由下學期秋季起, 新增文化課程:中國傳統樂器--二胡班. 這是一個小時的課程, 由十一點半到十二點半,自備二胡. 如果想知道在哪裡買二胡,可以連絡副校長楊文箎。
二胡教師Max Wei 有十四年經驗, 由十歲起開始學二胡. 高中畢業之前, 曾在佛光少年演奏團擔任二胡演奏者. 在大學四年他依然継續擔任二胡演奏者, 不時在學校演出. 這二年多他也在教私人一對一課程.
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
5/30-家長會會議, 急需2015-2016年會長
5/30-MJCS員工和家長對青少年義工的藍球友誼賽, 所有收入將捐給美國癌症協會Relay for life慈善用途
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):