Week 32, 2015
Calvin Liu
May 16, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Language and Culture classes are in session.
Mother’s Day Breakfast Sale was a success, thank you to all who participated, donated and made purchases.
Thank you to all who made contributions and purchases to support the Youth Volunteers’ Relay for Life.
Early registration begins. Forms available for download on mjcs.us website.
***TICKET SALE - CACA Fun Day (Sunday 05/17). Pre-event ticket purchases will include 2 additional tickets. See PTO to purchase tickets.
Still a couple of seats available for the ANJCS iPad Digital Teaching Class (Room 504,11:40 – 1pm). Parents, please take advantage of this class to use your iPad as a teaching medium.
*Remember to bring your iPad.
For information regarding 2015 Happy Healthy Camp,Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Region. Please visit our website www.mjcs.us
MJCS Board meeting.
Remember: Please turn your attention to our website mjcs.us, events link for upcoming events.
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 05/23 – NO School – Memorial Day Weekend
- 05/30 – In-School Abacus Contest
- 05/30 – PTO Meeting (10am-11am). Volunteers need for 2015-2016 staff positions.
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
- 05/17 - CACA Fun Day (MJCS) 12pm-6pm
- 05/23 – ACS Annual Conference (Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel)
PTO News:
1. Our annual Mother's Day Sale was a huge success!! PTO was able to raise $285 from the sale!! I believe this was the most money ever raised from previous Mother's Day Sale. Thank you so much for all the volunteers and especially those who donated food whether home cooked or store bought, the sale would not be possible without your donations.
2. PTO is still looking for volunteers to sign up for this weekend's CACA Fun Day (Sunday 5/17 ) to help serve food and cleanup. Please look for our Sign Up Genius email. Purchase advanced food/carnival tickets for this event, you will get two free tickets and avoid the long line on Sunday.
3. PTO is looking for Room parent volunteer from each of the graduating class to help us coordinate the rental graduation gowns for the student who will be participating in the graduation ceremony.
KA, CKA, CSL3, 10A, PC8 Please stop by PTO desk to pick up rental form and instructions.
4. PTO still have plenty of Shoprite and Hmart gift cards for sale. Please help us reach our goal of $16,000 in total purchase, 5% will go to MJCS that's $800!!
5. Vendors this week:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 5月16日
這個星期六中文課, 文化課照常上課, 文化課停課. 9A徐雪華老師 缺席, 將由其他老師代課.
母親節早餐義賣成功完滿結束, 非常感謝所有參與的家長.
非常感謝大家對青年義工的relay for life 支持.
中美文化協會園遊會今年將會在本校舉辦(5/17), 家長會將會預售門票, 預買門票將會額外贈送二張門票. 請到家長會處預買. 中美文化協會各單位將各別提供表演節目,走廊上也將設置遊戲, 食品攤位。園遊會券是10元/20張。 請大家踴躍參加。
ANJCS Ipad 電子課程還有幾個名額, 請大家不要錯過五月十六日的課程 (時間11:40-1:00). 主題是如何利用iPad 去幫助你的小孩去學習國語, 漢語拼音和拼音. 請記得攜帶自己的iPad. 詳情請到http://anjcs.org/elearning/ 查看
您為孩子安排了暑期活動嗎? 訂於6月26、27、28日三天兩夜由慈濟新澤西分會主辦的暑期快樂健康生活營,現已開始報名。 今年的營隊將藉著戲劇、遊戲等方式,讓孩子學習到對人、事、物的感恩、尊重與愛。同時藉此培養孩子的表達能力,學習與人相處的智慧及適應團體生活 。在生動活潑課程的設計中落實生活教育、生命教育及人文教育 。詳情請到綱站查看www.mjcs.us
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
5/30-家長會會議, 急需2015-2016年會長
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
05/23 – ACS年會(Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel
1) 今年家長會母親節早餐義賣非常成功地募集到$285, 是這些年募到最多的一年. 非常感謝所有的義工, 特別是捐贈食品的家長們, 沒有你們的幫忙, 就不可能有這麼成功的義賣活動.
2)中美文化協會園遊會家長會依然需要義工幫忙, 請留意你的電郵. 家長會預賣中美文化協會園遊會(5/17)門票, 預買門票將會額外贈送二張門票. 請到家長會處預買. 如果你有興趣幫忙賣門票, 請找會長Yuey, Lin.
3) 家長會需要義工幫助6月13日的畢業典禮. 畢業班級分別是KA, CKA, CSL3, 10A, PC8 . 詳情 請到家長會查詢
4)家長會今年售賣禮物劵的目標是16,000元, 希望家長們多多購買, 令我們可以早日達到捐贈$800 給MJCS中文學校的目標.
紐澤西中部中文學校 教務處及家長會敬上