
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 14

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families,

Congratulations to our winners listed below in our Cantonese Speech Contest last Saturday!!


1st Place - 何俊安  Zachary Ho


1ST Place - 鍾淑英  Vivian Chung

2nd Place - 馮顯晴  Bernice Fung

3rd Place - 李簡俊  Evan Lee


1st Place - 李簡悅  Chloe Lee

2nd Place - 何俊傑  Tyler Ho

3rd Place - 何俊康  Lucas Ho


1st Place - 馮彦霖  Jeffrey Fung

All our contestants did great jobs last Saturday!  Each of you is definitely a winner to usJ

This Saturday is our X-Mas and Karaoke party!  Due to not enough students signed up for Karaoke contest, the contest will be postponed until next year.  The exact date for the contest will be announced later.  The students who already signed up for the contest will still be singing on the stage and school will present lovely gift to those students after singingJWe will then turn the karaoke into a fun play and everyone is more than welcome to sing!

Please note the class teacher will bring each class to the cafeteria after Language class.  Parents please wait for your child at the cafeteria on Saturday.  Thank you

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

12/26 -- Christmas Holiday no school

1/2/2016 – New Year holiday no school

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

PTO News:

  1. Don’t forget!   Pick up some Shoprite or hMart Giftcards before you head out to shop for your holiday entertaining.  Your purchase will enable the PTO to earn 5% from the sale of the giftcards.  Shoprite or hMart Giftcards are also thoughtful gifts for friends and family during the holidays.    Giftcards can be purchased in the lobby at drop-off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria.  Thank you for your support!
  2. Class photos are here!!!  Stop by the lower lobby or the PTO desk to preview your child’s class photo and place your order.   The orders that were placed last week will be available for pick up this Saturday.
  3. The MJCS Christmas Party is this Saturday, December 19, 2015.  Stop by the cafeteria after school for some treats, crafts, games, Karaoke and lots of fun with Santa and his crew!!!  We will have a “Photo Booth” set up for selfies.
  4. The families who have completed the required two credits towards the refund of their PTO deposit are reminded to stop by the PTO desk in the cafeteria to pick up their refund.
  5. Vendors for this week are:
    Asian Wok
    Happy Family
    Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO





讓我們恭喜今年校內粵語演講比賽的優勝學生!! 名次表如以下:


1st Place - 何俊安  Zachary Ho


1ST Place - 鍾淑英  Vivian Chung

2nd Place - 馮顯晴  Bernice Fung

3rd Place - 李簡俊  Evan Lee


1st Place - 李簡悅  Chloe Lee

2nd Place - 何俊傑  Tyler Ho

3rd Place - 何俊康  Lucas Ho


1st Place - 馮彦霖  Jeffrey Fung

所有參賽的同學表現得非常優秀!  在大家的心目中各位都是優勝者J

週六就是學校的聖誕節及卡拉OK聯歡會! 請大家踴躍參加一起唱歌和歡樂!由於今年卡拉0k比賽參賽者人數不足,校內卡拉OK比賽將延期到明年。確定日期會將再公布。  已經報名的同學本校會準備獎品在同學演唱後頒發獎勵J 之後卡拉OK將開放給所有人歡樂!


溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站


12/26 -- 聖誕節 停課

1/2/2016 -- 新年 停課

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):


  1. 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮券。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!  
  2. 各班班級合照照片已經完成!請至家長會處訂購您孩子的班級合照。 上週六已經訂購的家長請在本週六領取。
  3. 本校的聖誕節卡拉OK聯歡會在本週六登場。請大家踴躍參與! 我們準備了點心、勞作及遊戲和卡拉0k。同時還有聖誕老公公和照相區讓各位拍照留念。
  4. 提醒家長,如果您已經得到了家長會退費所需的2個點數,請至家長會處領取您的退費。
  5. 以下是本周美食攤位:
    Asian Wok
    Happy Family
    Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen



教務處及家長會 敬上