
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 13

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families: 

Congratulations to our 3 winners listed below in CACA Speech Contest at Union Chinese School last Saturday!!

Group A:

2nd place - 陳炯涵 Chen, Alison

Group D:

3rd place: 陳泰龍 Chen, Albert

CSL 1:

2nd place: Hsu, Marissa

We are very proud to say that all our contestants did wonderful jobs at the speech contest!  Each of you is definitely a winner to us.

This Saturday is our Cantonese Speech Contest.  The contest will be starting at 10am at school auditorium.  Please join and cheer for all our contestants!

Next Saturday 12/19, it’s our X-Mas party and In-School Karaoke Contest.  Let’s sing and have fun!  We encourage everyone to sign up and enjoy this event.  The registration form has been e-mail out.  You can also download the registration form from school website under “Event”.  Please submit your signed form to your class teacher or to the school administration by 12/13. 

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

12/19 -- Christmas Party & In School Karaoke Contest 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM

12/26 -- Christmas Holiday no school

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details)

PTO News:

  1. Don’t forget to pick up Shoprite or hMart Giftcards before you head out to shop for your holiday entertaining.  Your purchase will enable the PTO to earn 5% from the sale of the giftcards.  Shoprite or hMart Giftcards are also thoughtful gifts for friends and family during the holidays.  Giftcards can be purchased in the lobby at drop-off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria.  Thank you for your support!
  2. On Saturday, December 12, 2015, MJCS PTO will be doing a gift wrapping fundraiser at the North Brunswick Barnes and Noble located at 869 Route 1 South,  North Brunswick from 4:00pm to 10:00pm. This is a great opportunity to promote MJCS as well as raise funds for our school activities.  The Signup Genius email has been sent out for this volunteer opportunity.  All volunteers will receive one credit towards the refund of their PTO deposit.  PTO deposit will be refunded upon completion of the required two volunteer credits.
  3. Mark your calendars!  The MJCS Christmas Party will be on December 19, 2015.  Stop by the cafeteria after school for some treats and lots of fun with Santa and his crew!!!
  4. Check out the items we have for sale at the Reuse and Recycle Fundraiser in the school lobby.  We have lots of used books and toys. Stop by and check out the offerings each week.  All items are only 25 cents each or buy 5 for $1.
  5. A reminder for the families who have completed the required two credits towards the refund of the PTO deposit:  Please stop by the PTO desk in the cafeteria to pick up your refund.
  6. Good luck to all the students participating in the Cantonese Speech Contest on Saturday.
  7. Vendors for this week are:
    Asian Wok
    Bohai Dumpling
    Happy Family
    Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO







Group A:

2nd place: 陳炯涵 Chen, Alison

Group D:

3rd place: 陳泰龍 Chen, Albert

CSL 1:

2nd place: Hsu, Marissa

我們可以非常驕傲地說本校所有參賽的同學表現得非常優秀!  在大家的心目中各位都是優勝者!

本週六是本校粵語演講比賽。 比賽將於早上十時在學校禮堂開始。 請大家踴躍參與和為所有參賽的同學加油!

下週六就是學校的聖誕節聯歡會及校內卡拉OK比賽。 請大家踴躍參加一起唱歌和歡樂! 比賽的報名表已經由電郵發出。 您也可以在學校網站event裏下載。 請將報名表在12/13前交給各班老師或教務處。

溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站:


12/19 -- 聖誕聯歡暨校內卡拉OK比賽11:30AM - 12:30PM

12/26 -- 聖誕節 停課

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):


  1. 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮券。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!
  2. 請注意! 12月12日, 星期六 4pm到 10pm本校家長會在North Brunswick Barnes and Noble (869 Route 1 South,  North Brunswick) 舉辨一場禮品包裝募款活動。這將是一個非常好的機會推廣本校及募款。  The Signup Genius已經由電郵發出。Sign up的家長將會得到一個點數有助於學年末的家長會退費。每個家庭在整學年需要總共二個點數才可得到退費。
  3. 下週六就是本校聖誕節聯歡會及校內卡拉OK比賽! 不要錯過了在今年結束前一起歌唱和歡樂的機會!
  4. 資源回收募款活動已經開始。請大家將家中不要的但狀況良好的衣服,書和玩具等捐贈出來。 我們會每週在學校大廳舉行拍賣募款。每樣物品只賣25 cents 或五樣賣1元。
  5. 提醒家長,如果您已經得到了家長會退費所需的2個點數,請至家長會處領取您的退費。
  6. 預祝所有參加粵語演講比賽的同學都有好的表現!
  7. 以下是本周美食攤位:
    Asian Wok
    Bohai Dumpling
    Happy Family
    Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen



教務處及家長會 敬上