
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 6

Calvin Liu


October 21st, 2015

Dear MJCS Families: 

Don’t miss our PTO breakfast sale this Saturday! Bring your appetite and bring some cash!

Please note we will have all CSL and PC class taking class photo this Saturday.  Any parent who doesn’t want your child photo posted in school publishing, please inform the administrator on Saturday.  Thank you

Please note we will not have Art class this week due to teacher Crystal Han’s absence.  Make-up class will be announced later.

Next Saturday 10/31, we will have in-class speech contest and Halloween Party.  The speech contest topics were already given out by all the Language teachers and were also sent out by e-mail.  If you have any questions regarding the topics, please kindly contact with your class teacher. 

Right after the Language class next Saturday, our Halloween party will begin and students will have costumes parade starting from the class room to the Cafeteria.  Parents please wait for your child at Cafeteria that day.  There will be given out candies, cookies and lots of activities will be setting up that day!  If you have any questions, please contact with our PTO staffs. 

Our PC3 teacher, Joy Huang will be at Cafeteria after 11:30am offering tutoring section for anyone who needs help in Mandarin!

FREE Adult CSL class is opened from 11:40am to 1pm at room# 505.  Do not miss this great opportunity to learn the language for free!

Our school paintball trip is on Saturday, 11/7!!  The full details are now posted in our school website under “Event”.  Check it out!  Let’s all sign up and have fun together!

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

  • 10/31 -- In Class Speech Contest 10:30AM ~ 11:30AM
  • 10/31 -- Halloween Party 11:30 AM ~ 12:30PM
  • 11/7 – no school

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

PTO News:

  1. Please support the PTO by purchasing Shoprite and HMart gift cards.  The PTO receives 5% from the sales of the gift cards.  Gift cards can be purchased in the lobby at drop off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria.
  2. The PTO Breakfast Sale is this Saturday, October 24, 2015 in the school lobby from 9:30am to 12:00pm.  PTO is looking for food donations as well as volunteers to help set up, sell the donated food items and clean up.  The theme of this fundraiser is Asian Style Breakfast. Signup Genius email has been sent out.  Please sign up to volunteer or donate food items.  Stop by after drop off or during snack time for the kids to sample some of the delicious items made by our talented MJCS parents.  One PTO credit will be given to volunteers as well as for each donated homemade food item.  Credit will not be given for store bought items.
  3. The Reuse and Recycle Fundraiser is up and running in the school lobby.  Please continue to donate your gently used books, board games and toys to the PTO. Thanks to all the families who have donated so far. Stop by and check out the items we have each week!!!
  4. Mark your calendars!  There will be a Halloween Party on 10/31/2015 from 11:30am to 12:30pm in the cafeteria.  There will be prizes for the best costumes in various categories.  In addition to the PTO Halloween table, PTO is also looking for 3 volunteers to each decorate a table with Halloween themed decorations and provide candy for the kids to stop by to trick or treat.  One PTO credit will be given to each volunteer towards the refund of their PTO deposit.   There will also be crafts for the kids. If you are interested, stop by the PTO table in the cafeteria this weekend for more information. 
  5. The vendors for this week are:
  • Asian Wok
  • Happy Family
  • Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO




2015 10月21日


不要錯過了本週六由我們家長會舉辦的亞洲風味早餐義賣會!   請多多支持我們的義賣會!

請注意本週六是所有中文雙語班和實用中文班的班級照相。若有任何家長不同意將您的孩子照片刊登在本校刊物上,煩請告知學校教務處。 謝謝

請注意本週美術班由於韓老師個人原因不上課。  補課通知會再另行發佈。

下週六, 10/31 將是本校班級演講比賽和萬聖節聯歡。 演講比賽題目已經由各班老師發佈和經電郵寄出通知。 若您有對題目有任何問題,請和老師聯絡。 謝謝

下週六的萬聖節聯歡將在語言課後開始。 課後學生將會從教室至禮堂大廳萬聖節遊行。 請家長於下週六語言課後在大廳等候您的孩子。 那天我們將會有許多活動!   若您想多了解活動細節,請向家長會成員聯絡。

我們PC3 ,胡瑞華老師會每週六11:30後會在學校禮堂為學生提供中文輔導。


本校將在11月7日舉辦漆彈活動!活動地點在Long Live Paintball, at Monroe Township, NJ. 活動的全部細節已經登在本校網站Event上。請上網查閲。希望大家踴躍參加!

溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站:


  • 10/31 -- 班內國語演講比賽 10:30am to 11:30am
  • 10/31 -- 萬聖節聯歡 11:30am to 12:30pm
  • 11/7 -- 學校停課

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):


  1. 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!
  2. 家長會亞洲風味早餐義賣將從本周六早上9:30開始至中午結束。請捐出您做的食物做為義賣或熱心的幫忙佈置場地。signup Genius通知已經電郵寄出。Sign up的家長將會得到一個點數有助於學年末的家長會退費。每個家庭在整學年需要總共二個點數才可得到退費。請大家多多參與和支持。
  3. 本校資源回收募款活動已經開始。請大家將家中不要的但狀況良好的衣服,書和玩具等捐贈出來。 我們會每週在學校大廳舉行拍賣募款。
  4. 請注意! 萬聖節聯歡將於下週六在禮堂大廳從早上11:30開始至下午12:30結束。聯歡中將會有許多奬品頒給不同的最佳服裝 !。 那天我們將會有許多活動!   除了家長會佈置的攤位,我們徵求另外3個自願的家長來幫忙佈置攤位以及幫忙發放糖果。   有興趣的家長請在本週六和家長會聯絡。
  5. 以下是本周美食攤位:
  • Asian Wok
  • Happy Family
  • Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen



教務處及家長會 敬上