
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 10, 2014

Calvin Liu


November 22, 2014


Dear MJCS Families: 

MJCS Speech Contest !  Come and support all contestants this Saturday.

NO Culture Class this Saturday because of the speech contest.

Save The Date !!!  CACA’s Annual Gala is scheduled for March 07, 2015 at the Eatontown DoubleTree Hotel.  This will be the biggest party of the school year.  There will be over 200 people in attendance.  This is a great time to meet good people from the other CACA Subgroups.  Babysitting will be available.

C1  teacher,  Mrs. Suey Chiu  and 2A  teacher Yueh-Chun Li Wun will be absent on Nov 22nd,  they will have a substitute teacher for the class.  The cultural class for Abacus will have to re-schedule for other date. 

Upcoming MJCS activities

  • 11/29 – NO School.  Happy Thanksgiving !
  • 12/06 – MJCS Board Meeting
  • 12/20 – Cantonese Speech Contest
  • 12/27 – No School. 

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

  • 12/06 – CACA Speech Contest – Edison Chinese School (1pm-5pm).
  • 12/06 – ANJCS Recitation Contest – Min Hui Chinese School (10am)

PTO News:

  1. Please stop by the security desk after drop off in the morning, PTO will be available to take orders for class photos! Support PTO/School by purchasing extra photos to include with your holiday cards. 
  2. Stock up on Shoprite and Hmart giftcards for your added holiday shopping!  Reminder, school receives 5% from gift card purchases!  
  3. Reminder, there is still two slots available to help with the In School Speech Contest. Please check email from Sign up Genius.  
  4. PTO will be at Barnes & Noble on December 7th, Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm to help raise money for the  school by offering free holiday gift wrapping.   MJCS PTO raised $68.00 last year from donations!   Sign up Genius email will be sent out shortly for those who would like to sign up and help.  

Vendors this week:

  • Asian Wok
  • Happy Family
  • Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
  • Jen Lee

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO


2014  11月 22日


請注意: 11月22 日因擧辦校內演講比賽,文化課停課一次。


重要公告 1 :

請和我們一起慶祝中美文化協會(我們的上級組織CACA)週年慶典。時間:2015年3月7日,在Eatontown Double Tree Hotel舉行 , 希望大家不要錯過這個一年一度盛大的派對. 到時將有超過二百多人參加, 是一個認識其他CACA 成員的好機會.  而現場托兒有服務, 歡迎大家一家大小一起參加.


C1譚瑞華老師, 2A  黎月純老師因事請假, 1/22將由代課老師代教. 珠心算停課, 譚老師將會通知家長何事補課

溫馨小提示,  如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法,  請到䋞站


  • 11/29 - 停課一周, 感恩節快樂
  • 12/06 -董事會會議
  • 12/20 - 粵語演講比賽
  • 12/27 - 學校停課

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):

  • 12/06-CACA 演講比賽-愛迪生中文學校
  • 12/6 - ANJCS Recitation Contest 朗誦比賽 Min Hui Chinese School 明慧中校


  1. 家長們請到保安處購買相片,家長們可以多買幾張用來作為聖誕卡送給親戚朋友們
  2. 感恩節將要到來, 希望大家多買Shop Rite/Hmart 禮卡,銷售總額的5%將捐贈給家長會,多買多贈,謝謝大家支持!
  3. 這個星期六的演講比賽還需要兩個義工的幫忙, 如有興趣者請到Signup Genius 報名
  4. 家長會酬款活動, 將於12月7日星期日在Barnes & Noble義務幫客人包禮物, 去年家長會酬到$68. 如有興趣幫忙請留意電郵, Signup Genius 將會盡快寄出

本周的美食攤位有 朱記快樂小食,日式便當,秀玲台式小吃等。歡迎大家購買享用。


