Week 9, 2014
Calvin Liu
2014 11月15日
這個星期六學校如常上課. 班內演講比賽在這個星期六舉行, 希望家長提醒學生們多加練習, 取得好成績.
天氣開始轉涼, 寒流在這幾天到來, 大家出門要多穿衣服, 免得涼了.
在此提示大家, 在買零食機器隔壁的406房可以出租給生意人, 大小公司做為講座用途. 如有興趣者可以跟家長會會長Yuey 和Lin 聯繫. 12月6日將有一個關於alternative CD's 的講座, 歡迎大家參加.
C1 吳瑞華老師因事請假, 11/15 和11/22 兩周將由代課老師代教. 珠心算停課兩周, 吳老師將會通知家長何事補課
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
- 11/15 -班內國語演講比賽 10:30-11:30。
- 11/22 - 文化課停課一周 校內演講比賽 學校停課
- 11/22 - 校內演講比賽
- 11/29 - 學校停課
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 11/15 - CACA 董事會會議
- 12/06-CACA 演講比賽-愛迪生中文學校
所有班級照相圖滿完成, 照片也已整理完畢 家長们可以到教務處, 家長會桌子選購
希望大家大力支持家長會HMart 和shoprite 禮物券義買. Shoprite 在這個月內購滿400 元可免費獲得火鷄一隻. 學校獲得5%回現金回饋
本周的美食攤位有 日式快餐, 朱記快樂小食,秀玲台式小吃, 開心小食等。歡迎大家購買享用。
November 15, 2014
Dear MJCS Families:
Classes resume this Saturday, please remind your child about the In-Class speech contest.
The winter season starts 12/21 but the cold weather will be here Saturday, be ready!
Room 406 (near vending machines) is available for business owners, corporations or entrepreneurs to conduct presentations or seminars. Please check with PTO regarding scheduling and fee. On 12/06, there will be a seminar on alternative CD’s.
C1 teacher, Mrs. Suey Chiu will be absent on Nov 15th and 22nd, She will have a substitute teacher for the class. The cultural class for Abacus will have to re-schedule for other date.
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information.
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 11/22 - No Culture Class.
- 11/22 – In-School Speech Contest 10:00 – 12:30
- 11/29 – NO School. Happy Thanksgiving !
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
- 11/15 – CACA Board Meeting – 7pm.
- 12/06 – CACA Speech Contest – Edison Chinese School
PTO News:
- Please stop by in the morning after drop off and place your order for class photos. PTO will be available by security desk after drop off and upstairs by the PTO table throughout the morning.
- Please remember to purchase Shoprite and Hmart gift cards from PTO for your extra holiday shopping. The school receives 5% of sales from all your purchases!!!
- PTO will need volunteers to help with the IN SCHOOL SPEECH CONTEST next week 11/22/14. Please check your email early next week from Sign Up Genius.
- Food Vendors for this week:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO