February 4, 2023 Newsletter
Jon Lee
Dear Parents, teachers and Students,
I hope you all enjoyed our Chinese New Year celebration. It was a great success. The performances by the students were awesome and the food was delicious. Many thanks to the students, parents, teachers, volunteers, PTO, and the school admin.
We are in the process of cleaning up our school storage room to free up some space. We would like to have a rummage sale of two foldable table tennis tables. If you are interested, please stop by the admin office. Attached please find the photos for the table.
We found a pair of headphones. If you lost it, please stop by the admin office.
Upcoming school events:
1) Feb 11 – Spring semester starts
2) Feb 18 – Presidents’ Day, No School
Upcoming event:
National Preparation Test for AP Chinese Language and Culture, test date: Mar 11 and 12, registration starts from Feb 15 to Feb 28. Please see admin for details.
希望你們在農曆新年慶祝活動都過得愉快, 活動圓滿成功。 學生們的表演很棒,食物也很美味。 非常感謝學生、家長、老師、義工、家長會和校務。
我們正在清理學校的儲物室以騰出一些空間, 我們想低價賣掉兩張折疊式乒乓球桌。 如果您有興趣,請到校務處。 隨附乒乓球桌的照片。
1) 2 月 11 日 – 春季班學期開始
2) 2 月 18 日 – 總統節假期 停課
2023全美AP中文複習考試 (一號通知 & 二號通知:報名程序),詳情請看兩附件。