January 27, 2023 Newsletter
Jon Lee
Dear Parents, teachers and Students,
Happy Chinese New Year !!!
Chinese New Year Celebration will be hosted on Sat, Jan 28 10:30am ~ 11:30am. We will have craft, performances and lunch. Lunch will be $5 per person. You are also welcomed to bring your favorite dishes to share with us. Attached please find the updated program.
Upcoming school events:
1) Feb 4 – Final Exam
新年快樂 !!!
農曆新年慶祝活動將會在 1 月 28 日星期六上午 10:30am ~ 11:30pm ,敬請回覆。我們將有手工藝、學生們的表演和提供午餐, 午餐費用為每人 $5,也歡迎您帶上您喜歡的菜餚與我們分享,請見隨附更新的節目表。
1) 2 月 4 日 – 期末考