Newsletter 6/4/2022
Jon Lee
Our school year is coming to the end, Our Final exam is on this Sat, June 4th. Good luck to our students.
This is it, early registration for school year 2022-2023 is going on. Please visit our website then look for registration, follow the instruction to fill out the form. It is very important that you submit the form. As an incentive, there is a $30 discount per student for early registration.
We are planning to have in person class for school year 2022-2023, but it can be change due to unforeseeable circumstance. To help school admin to better plan for next school year, it is very important for you to registries as soon as possible.
For our graduation, scholastic and contest award ceremony this year, we are going to host an In-person ceremony to celebrate the students amazing achievement,
Date: Sat, June 18, 2022
Time: 9am -11am
Location: East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling, Civic Centre Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Congratulations to Alex Yu for winning CACA director-at-large seats on the board. Thank you for those who voted for him. Your support means everything to him.
For students who are interested in STEM. FTER (Foundation for Technological Education and Research) summer camp program will run from 5/23/2022 to 8/26/2022. They offer on-line classes for Robotic, Python and Java for students age 6 and up. Open house is this Sun 6/5/2022 7:30pm via zoom. Besides the class FTER offers, they will also cover the boot camp, nation/international WRO robotics event.
Please see attached file for detailed information.
This year, we are going for a digital year book. Please send your photos to as soon as possible. Thank you.
我們的學年即將結束,我們的期末考試是 6 月 4 日星期六。祝我們的學生好運。
2022-2023 學年的提前註冊正在進行中。請訪問我們的網站 然後尋找註冊,按照說明填寫表格。提交表格非常重要。作為獎勵,每位學生提前註冊可享受 30 美元的折扣。
我們計劃在 2022-2023 學年開設面對面課程,但由於不可預見的情況可能會發生變化。為了幫助學校管理員更好地規劃下一學年,盡快註冊對您來說非常重要。
日期:2022 年 6 月 18 日,星期六
地點:East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling, Civic Centre Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
恭喜 Alex Yu 贏得 CACA 董事席位。感謝那些投票給他的人。你的支持對他來說意味著一切。
對於對 STEM 感興趣的學生。 FTER(科技教育與研究基金會)夏令營計劃將於 2022 年 5 月 23 日至 2022 年 8 月 26 日進行。他們為 6 歲及以上的學生提供機器人、Python和 Java 在線課程。開放日是 2022 年 6 月 5 日星期日晚上 7:30,通過縮放。除了 FTER 課程之外,他們還將涵蓋新兵訓練營、國家/國際 WRO 機器人活動。有關詳細信息,請參閱附件。