
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Newsletter 6/11/2022

Jon Lee

That is it, in a blink of eye, our school year is over.  No more class except the graduation and award ceremony to celebrate the students amazing achievement.    We thank you parents and students for your commitment and hard work.

Date:         Sat, June 18, 2022
Time:         9am -11am 
Location:    East Brunswick Public Library meeting room,  
                    2 Jean Walling Civic Centre Drive,East Brunswick, NJ  08816

 Early registration for school year 2022-2023 is still going on.  Please visit our website www.mjcs.usthen look for registration, follow the instruction to fill out the form.  It is very important that you submit the form.   As an incentive, there is a $30 discount per student for early registration. 

We are planning to have in person class for school year 2022-2023, but it can be change due to unforeseeable circumstance.  To help school admin to better plan for next school year, it is very important for you to registries as soon as possible.

On Behave of MJCS staffs, we wish you a fun and safe summer.  See you next school year.


親愛的學生、家長和監護人,                                                                            2022 年 6 月 11 日


日期:2022 年 6 月 18 日,星期六
地點:East Brunswick Public Library meeting room,  2 Jean Walling Civic Centre Drive
             East Brunswick, NJ  08816

2022-2023 學年的提前註冊仍在進行中。請訪問我們的網站 然後尋找註冊,按照說明填寫表格。提交表格非常重要。作為獎勵,每位學生提前註冊可享受 30 美元的折扣。

我們計劃在 2022-2023 學年開設面對面課程,但由於不可預見的情況可能會發生變化。為了幫助學校管理員更好地規劃下一學年,盡快註冊對您來說非常重要。
