MJCS NEWSLETTER 學校通訊 9/11/2021
Steve Su
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Welcome back! We hope all of you had a great summer. To our new students and families, welcome to the Mid-Jersey Chinese School family! We are looking forward to working with everyone this year to continue to make this a great learning experience for our children.
The fall semester starts at 9:30 am on Saturday, September 11, 2021. Due to the pandemic, our classes will be all virtual until further notice from the East Brunswick Board of Education. You will receive the online class instructions from your child’s teacher in the next two days.
On Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 8pm to 9pm, we will have a virtual School Parents Welcome Meeting. We will send out the link for this meeting next week. We encourage all parents, guardians, and students to join us. We are planning to have online meeting every two months for parents and students to provide their suggestions or voice their concerns so that any issues can be ratified expeditiously. Our administration staff would love to hear your input and to make the learning experience valuable and fun for the students.
This year, the Annual East Brunswick Day will be on Saturday, Oct 3 (rain date Oct 10, 2021) at East Brunswick Community Arts Center from 12pm – 4pm. There are family entertainment and activities set up throughout the community center playground. Our Chinese school staffs will be there to promote our school. Please bring your family for a fun day.
Please note that our method of communication will primarily by e-mail. Please provide us with your current e-mail address. In addition, please visit our school website at www.mjcs.us. We also encourage you to join our MJCS Facebook Group.
If you have not pick up your child’s textbook, please reach out to me via email to arrange a pick up date and time.
Finally, we are looking for a volunteer to fill our school’s Administration staff position. This is a great opportunity for you to actively engage in your child’s education. Should you be interested, please feel free to reach out to me at mjcs.principal@gmail.com
Best Regards,
MJCS Principal
MJCS Administration and PTO School Website: www.mjcs.us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mjcsfamily/
Principal: mjcs.Principal@gmail.com
Admin: mjcs.schadm2@gmail.com
歡迎回來!我們希望你們都度過了一個美好的夏天。對於我們的新學生和家庭,歡迎加入 Mid-Jersey Chinese School 大家庭!我們期待著今年與大家合作,繼續為我們的孩子提供一次很棒的學習體驗。
秋季學期將於 2021 年 9 月 11 日星期六上午 9:30 開始。由於大流行,我們的課程將全部進行虛擬授課,直至東不倫瑞克教育委員會另行通知。在接下來的兩天內,您將收到您孩子的老師的在線課程說明。
2021 年 9 月 25 日星期六晚上 8 點至晚上 9 點,我們將舉行虛擬學校家長歡迎會。我們將在下週發送這次會議的鏈接。我們鼓勵所有家長、監護人和學生加入我們。我們計劃每兩個月舉行一次在線會議,讓家長和學生提出他們的建議或表達他們的擔憂,以便任何問題都能得到迅速的批准。我們的行政人員很樂意聽取您的意見,並讓學習體驗對學生來說既有價值又有趣。
今年,一年一度的東不倫瑞克日(East Brunswick Day)將於 10 月 3 日星期六(下雨日期為 2021 年 10 月 10 日)中午 12 點至下午 4 點在東不倫瑞克社區藝術中心舉行。整個社區中心的操場上都設置了家庭娛樂和活動。我們的中文學校工作人員將在那裡宣傳我們的學校。請帶上您的家人度過愉快的一天。
請注意,我們的溝通方式主要是通過電子郵件。請向我們提供您當前的電子郵件地址。此外,請訪問我們的學校網站 www.mjcs.us。我們也鼓勵您加入我們的 MJCS Facebook 群組。
最後,我們正在尋找一名志願者來填補我們學校的行政人員職位。這是您積極參與孩子教育的絕佳機會。如果您有興趣,請隨時通過 mjcs.principal@gmail.com 與我聯繫