
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 6/5/21

Steve Su

Dear MJCS family,

Hope everyone have enjoyed the long weekend!  This year CACA will hold 5 school joint graduation. Therefor no graduation within MJCS on 6/12.  Instead, we will hand out award/trophy near end of June at school parking lot similar to last year.  All award certificates will be distributed electronically.  This Saturday 6/5 is the final exam and our last school day. Good luck to all students!

Winners of our annual drawing and essay contest are finalized. Let us congratulate the winners and thank the judges for their hard work! 

Group A

1st  王科傑 Aaron Wang 

2nd 陳怡安 Alina Chen

3rd 王飛鵬 Brian Wang / 陳玥伊 Ella Chen

Group B

1st  陳炯涵Allison Chen

2nd 吳念禧 Eileen He

3rd 陳宥衡 Skyler Chen 

Group C

1st  蔡昊袁 Ethan Gulya

2nd 楊沛璇 Jocelyn Yang

3nd Merilyn Rodriguez

Group D

1st  Angela Hartmann

2nd Anna Hartmann

3rd  Antonia Hartmann / 蘇唯傑 Kameron Su


MJCS will start virtual with the possibility of going back to normal in the next school year. Online Registration for 2021-2022 is available now. A $35 discount will be applied should you register before 6/30/2021! Please visit our school website at: and select “Registration” to proceed.



MJCS Admin




希望大家都度過了愉快的一周!今年 CACA 將舉行 5 所學校聯合畢業典禮。因此原訂的 6/12 MJCS 畢業典禮將不會舉行。取而代之的是,我們將在6月底之前像去年一樣在學校停車場發放獎勵/獎杯。所有獎狀將於學期末以電子郵件傳送給獲獎學生!這個星期六 6/5 是期末考試,也是我們最後的上課日。祝所有學生好運!



Group A

1st  王科傑 Aaron Wang 

2nd 陳怡安 Alina Chen

3rd 王飛鵬 Brian Wang / 陳玥伊 Ella Chen

Group B

1st  陳炯涵Allison Chen

2nd 吳念禧 Eileen He

3rd 陳宥衡 Skyler Chen

Group C

1st  蔡昊袁 Ethan Gulya

2nd 楊沛璇 Jocelyn Yang

3nd Merilyn Rodriguez

Group D

1st  Angela Hartmann

2nd Anna Hartmann

3rd  Antonia Hartmann / 蘇唯傑 Kameron Su 


MJCS 9月開學將線上教學,有可能以後會恢復回到學校上課。現在可以在線註冊 2021-2022。如果您在6月30日之前註冊,將有35美元的折扣!請至學校官網 點選“註冊”,進行註冊 。



紐澤西中部中文學校教務處 謹啟