MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 4/17/2021
Steve Su
Dear MJCS family,
Hope you have enjoyed the nice weather! The East Brunswick Arts commission is putting a call out for all Asian artists to participate in an art show for April. Below please find the information -
Here please find the link to the free teacher training workshops from Asian Americans Advancing Justice, shared by PTO roundtable discussion last week - https://asianamericanedu.org/workshops.html
PTO newsletter for 4/17/21
Don’t forget - MJCS PTO Panera Fundraiser! Help support the MJCS PTO on Thursday, April 15 from 4pm to 8pm at the Panera in East Brunswick (located at 755 State Highway 18, at the Brunswick Square Mall.) Bring the flyer below or show it on your mobile device, and Panera will donate 20% of the proceeds from your purchase. You also can order online at www.panerabread.com or on the Panera app. Before you finalize your order, be sure to type in the code PRFUND at checkout. Feel free to share this event with family and friends, and thank you for supporting MJCS PTO!
MJCS PTO Panera Fundraiser Flyer
MJCS Admin and PTO
希望大家都度過了愉快的一周!東布倫瑞克藝術委員會正在呼籲所有亞洲藝術家參加4月份的藝術展。信息請見以下連結 -
感謝上週 PTO 圓桌討論會分享的 "亞裔美國人進步司法” 提供的免費教師培訓研討會的鏈接,https://asianamericanedu.org/workshops.html
家長會通訊 4/10/21
MJCS PTO 籌款活動!MJCS PTO 於 4 月 15 日星期四下午 4 點到晚上 8 點在 East Brunswick 的 Panera(位於 755 國道 18 號,在 Brunswick Square 購物中心)。將下面傳單帶到或顯示在您的行動裝置上,Panera 將捐贈您購買所得收入的20%。 您也可以在線訂購 www.panerabread.com 或 Panera 應用程式。在完成訂單之前,請務必在結帳時輸入代碼 PRFUND。 請與家人和朋友分享此活動,並感謝您支援 MJCS PTO!
MJCS PTO Panera Fundraiser Flyer
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟