
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 4/10/2021

Steve Su

Dear MJCS family,

Hope you have enjoyed the Spring break!  Below please find the Teacher Appreciation Card contest information from National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS).

Please submitted your work to the link below if interested. 

Here please find the online seminar registration form about How to help your child focus from NCACLS.


PTO newsletter for 4/10/21

- MJCS PTO Panera Fundraiser!  Help support the MJCS PTO on Thursday, April 15 from 4pm to 8pm at the Panera in East Brunswick (located at 755 State Highway 18, at the Brunswick Square Mall.) Bring the flyer below or show it on your mobile device, and Panera will donate 20% of the proceeds from your purchase.  You also can order online at or on the Panera app. Before you finalize your order, be sure to type in the code PRFUND at checkout.  Feel free to share this event with family and friends, and thank you for supporting MJCS PTO!


- MJCS PTO will host a virtual roundtable on Saturday, April 10th from 9:30-10:30 a.m.  We appreciate the feedback we received from our first roundtable in March where we discussed the rise in discrimination and violence against Asian Americans. Join us this Saturday as we share resources on combating anti-Asian racism.


MJCS PTO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: MJCS PTO Community Virtual Roundtable: Resources for Combating Anti-Asian Racism

Time: Apr 10, 2021 09:30 - 10:30 AM Eastern Time


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 853 0459 6493

Passcode: 232709



MJCS Admin and PTO




希望大家都度過了 一個愉快的春假!2021年全美中文學校聯合總會謝師卡競賽規則如下 -

請參賽學生上傳作品至 報名表


全美總會4月份線上講座:  如何教出更聰明專注的學生---深入孩子好動和情緒化的根源. 請在2021年4月23日前,點擊以下連結報名登記。會議連結會在演講前一天送出。線上講座方式將透過網路 Zoom進行。  


家長會通訊 4/10/21


MJCS PTO 籌款活動!MJCS PTO 於 4 月 15 日星期四下午 4 點到晚上 8 點在 East Brunswick 的 Panera(位於 755 國道 18 號,在 Brunswick Square 購物中心)。將下面傳單帶到或顯示在您的行動裝置上,Panera 將捐贈您購買所得收入的20%。 您也可以在線訂購 或 Panera 應用程式。在完成訂單之前,請務必在結帳時輸入代碼 PRFUND。 請與家人和朋友分享此活動,並感謝您支援 MJCS PTO!


- MJCS PTO 將於 4 月 10 日星期六上午 9:30 至 10:30 am 舉辦在線圓桌會議。 我們感謝我們在3月份的第一次圓桌會議上收到的反饋,我們討論了歧視和暴力侵害亞裔美國人的問題。本週六請加入我們,分享打擊反亞洲種族主義的資源。


Topic: MJCS PTO Community Virtual Roundtable: Resources for Combating Anti-Asian Racism

Time: Apr 10, 2021 09:30 - 10:30 AM Eastern Time


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 853 0459 6493

Passcode: 232709


紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟