MJCS Update 08/29/2020 更新訊息
Steve Su
Dear MJCS Families,
Hope everyone has had a great summer break! Attached please find the School Calendar for 2020-2021. MJCS will continue virtual learning for the coming Fall semester.
Online Registration is still ongoing. If you have not yet registered, please visit our school website at: www.mjcs.us and select “Registration” to proceed.
The textbook for Traditional Chinese Class can be picked up at Churchill School parking lot on 9/5 Saturday 11-11:30 am if weather permitted. If you cannot pick up that day. Please contact Vincent Yang gotovince1@gmail.com to arrange pick up. The textbook for Practical Chinese and Cantonese Class will be available for pick up later when arrive.
Have a safe and enjoyable rest of the summer!
Best Regards,
Sharlene Wu
MJCS Principal
願大家都健康平安!本學年 2020-2021 學校行事曆請見附件。MJCS 2020 秋季班會繼續網上教學。
已經有不少家長在線上完成註冊手續。如果您還沒有註冊的話,請至學校官網 www.mjcs.us 點選“註冊”,進行註冊。
傳統中文班學生的課本可以在 9/5 星期六 11-11:30 am 於中文學校停車場領取。如果您當天無法前往,可以聯絡楊文篪 gotovince1@gmail.com 另外約定時間領取。實用中文與廣東班學生的課本會在收到以後另外通知領取時間。
吳宣霖 謹啟