
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 9/12/20

Steve Su

Dear MJCS family,

Hope everyone has had a great summer! The 1st day of school will be on 9/12 this coming Saturday. School calendar can be found on our website ( MJCS will continue virtual learning for the coming Fall semester. The students will get email with class information from the teachers before the 1st day.

Online Registration is still ongoing. If you have not yet registered, please visit our school website at: and select “Registration” to proceed. 

If you have not picked up the textbook for Traditional Chinese Class, please contact Vincent Yang to arrange pick up. The textbook for Chinese 101, CSL, Practical Chinese and Cantonese Class will be available for pick up hopefully within the next few weeks.

MJCS PTO Newsletter: 9/12/20

Welcome back to school!

MJCS PTO will be having a virtual School Parent Welcome Meeting next Saturday, September 19 from 10:40 - 11:30am.  Please join us and meet other MJCS parents and learn more about this year's PTO activities.


MJCS Admin and PTO


希望大家都過了一個愉快的暑假! 這個星期六9月12號是本學期的第一天,本學年 2020-2021 學校行事曆已上傳至學校官網上。MJCS 2020 秋季班會繼續網上教學。學生會在上課日之前收到老師關於上課訊息的電子郵件。

已經有不少家長在線上完成註冊手續。如果您還沒有註冊的話,請至學校官網 點選“註冊”,進行註冊。

如果您尚未領取傳統中文班學生的課本,可以聯絡楊文篪 另外約定時間領取。實用中文與廣東班學生的課本會在收到以後另外通知領取時間。 


MJCS 家長會將於下星期六 9月19 號舉辦線上學校家長座談會。歡迎加入我們與其他家長一起了解今年家長會的活動。

紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟