
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Steve Su

Dear MJCS family,

Congratulations to all of the In-school speech contest participants. You all did a great job! Thank you all for the hard work!

Please note, the 1st and 2nd place winners will represent our school to participate in the CACA's speech contest. Please confirm by 11/27 Friday that you will be participating.

If we don't receive a confirmation by that time, we will give the 3rd place winner the opportunity to step in.

The following is the list of our winners of the speech contest!  


恭喜所有的演講比賽參賽者!大家都表現的非常棒!  感謝大家的努力!


 CSL3 組

1 何俊宏 Jaden He

2 蘇暐芳 Hannah So

A 組

1 錢雅莉 Alexis Carlos

2 隬可麗 Colette Lee

3 Jeffrey Tombokan

B 組

1 蔡昊袁 Ethan Gulya

2 蘇唯傑 Kameron Su

3 殷郁琋 Valerie Yin

Honorable Mention

楊沛璇 Jocelyn Yang

Honorable Mention

張睿琳 Riley Zhang

C 組

1 吳念禧 Eileen He

2 蘇真妍 Lainee Su

3 王科傑 Aron Wang

Honorable Mention

錢安佳 Andrew Carlos

Honorable Mention

Chenuthi Rajapaksha

D 組

1 陳怡安 Alina Chen

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!  

MJCS Admin

紐澤西中部中文學校教務處 謹啟