MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 11/21/20
Steve Su
Dear MJCS family,
Hope you all had a great weekend! Congratulations to all of the In-school speech contest participants, you all did a great job! Thank you all for the hard work! Our Speech contest online award ceremony will be this Saturday 11/21 11:30 am - 12:15 pm.
The draft program can be find here -
Please click the link below to join the Google meet -
Online Registration is still ongoing. If you would like to register, please visit our school website at: www.mjcs.us and select “Registration” to proceed.
Best Regards,
MJCS Admin
希望大家都過了一個愉快的周末! 恭喜所有的演講比賽參賽者!大家都表現的非常棒! 感謝大家的努力!我們的演講比賽在線頒獎典禮將於本週六 11/21 11:30 am - 12:15 pm 舉行 。
節目表可以在這裡找到 -
歡迎用下面的鏈接加入頒獎典禮 Google Meet -
我們的線上註冊仍在進行中。如果您想註冊,請至學校官網 www.mjcs.us 點選“註冊”。
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處 謹啟