
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.



Jon Lee

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,      

In observance of Rosh Hashanah, there is no school this Saturday; however, we would like to remind you that 9/28 is Confucius's Birthday and also Teachers’ Day. Let’s wish all the teachers “Happy Teacher's Day !”  “教師節快樂!Jiao Shi Jie Kuai Le”

Here are some highlights I would like to share and to remind:

  • We are very happy to announce that Tracy Tsai is joining our staff team as the MJCS vice administrator. Tracy is our school alumni. Her mother used to teach at our school. We are constantly looking for volunteers to help with every aspect of operating the school. 

  • Thank you to our school’s PTO for setting up a booth at the EB Community Day on 9/22 to promote our school to the local community. Pictures were posted on the MJCS Facebook page and group. 

  • Culture class registration deadline has been extended to 10/5 due to high demand. Please fill out the registration form attached to this newsletter and bring it to our administrator when school resumes. 

  • We are offering a new beginner Yoga class, instructed by Mary Pan. Tuition is $150 per year, $85 per semester. Class starts at 10am to 11am in the gymnasium. 

  • Please help us continue to support MJCS by reaching out to local businesses for more yearbook ads sponsors.  (Sponsor form is as attached.) 

  • Goldwill Mission Troupe of the National Day will be held on 10/3 Thursday 7:30pm at the
    LIU POST Tilles Center on 720 Northern Blvd, Greenvale, NY 11548. Please call Vincent at
    732-668-3367 if you are interested in attending. 

  • CACA Annual BBQ will be held on Sunday 10/13 from 12pm to 6pam at Roosevelt Park, Edison. Adults are $15, while 12 and under are $10. There will be prizes for children and impromptu performances. Come for the games, biking, hiking, playground and more!

  • ANJCS Double 10 Flag Raising Ceremony will be held on 10/6 at Birchwood Manor, 111 N. Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981. Please contact the principal if you like to participating. Car pool is available. 

  • Please note, the PTO meeting is changed from 5/9 to 5/16. Please see the revised calendar attached. 

Best Regards,  MJCS Administration




  • 我們相當歡喜,教務處有新生力軍加入-- 讓我們竭誠歡迎蔡宜潔加入我們的義工團隊。宜潔是我們的畢業校友,她的母親曾是本校教師,她將擔任副教務的職務。

  • 感謝家長會於9/22日參與東布朗士日活動、把我們中文學校介紹給社區人士。活動照片已經公布在我們學校的臉書團及臉書頁上。

  • 欲罷不能!文化課10/5繼續接受註冊。茲附上註冊單,您可以預先填好。10/5交給副教務。

  • 本校學生家長Mary Pan 特別來校開班教授初級瑜伽班。學費每年$150, 半年$85。上課時間是上午十點到十一點。歡迎報名。

  • 請大家繼續支持本校、募集更多商家在本校年刊上刊登廣告。(登記表如附件)

  • 年度慶祝中華民國108年國慶文化訪問團 (Goldwill Mission Troupe of the National Day)又來了! 繼去年精彩的九天表演團後, 今年訪問團將為各位帶來十分精彩的扯鈴表演! 表演將於10月3日晚上7:30在紐約長島大學(LIU POST 長島大學: Tilles Center. 720 Northern Blvd. Greenvale, NY 11548) 精彩呈現!四種票價座位$100 $80 $60 $20 (票價有優惠!詳情請洽Vincent:732-668-3367). 

  • 中美文化協會年度重陽秋季文化節將於10/13週日下午12點到6點假愛迪生羅斯福公園舉行。票價,成人$15,12歲以下$10。

  • 請留意,家長會大會已由5/9改成5/16日。請見附件行事曆更新版。 

紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟