Jon Lee
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
On behalf of the teachers and administration, welcome back! We hope all of you had a great summer. To our new students and families, welcome to the Mid-Jersey Chinese School! Established in 1963, we are now entering our 57th year and we are looking forward to working with everyone this year in order to continue to make this a great learning experience for our children.
The fall semester starts at 9:30 am on Saturday, September 7, 2019. Please plan to arrive early so as to help your child find the right classroom. The classroom assignments will also be posted on the website prior to the first day of school and at the main entrance of the classroom building.
Here are reminders for everyone:
Please remember that there is no eating allowed inside classrooms and to be cautious when using the stairways.
Churchill Junior High School will be installing air conditioning and replacing the roof of the cafeteria. At around January, our current classes will be required to relocate to a different section of the school (upper section near the dance studio). We do not have the exact date yet but all of you will be informed once the information becomes available to us. In the meantime, we need to anticipate possible disruptions along with informing our students and parents ahead of time.
Please remind your child/children to not venture beyond their classrooms. It is a violation to school safety protocols.
Parking violations have reoccurred in several spots near the cafeteria. Cars parked illegally will be towed at owner’s expense.
We have a lot of activities planned for this year, but it is only possible with your help and support. Thank you to everyone – teachers, administration, parents, students, community members – for working together towards our goal of teaching the Chinese language, preserving Chinese heritage, and promoting Chinese culture.
Please note that our method of communication will be primarily by e-mail. Please help us keep in touch with you by providing us with your current e-mail addresses. Please make good use of our school website. We also encourage you to join our MJCS Facebook Group as well.
Churchill Junior High School 將在教室裝設冷氣,同時更新大禮堂的屋頂。我們還不知道確切的開工日,一旦日期確定後,會立刻做好安排措施並通知大家。
中部中文學校行政組與家長會 謹啟
Website: www.mjcs.us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mjcsfamily/
教務處: admin@mjcs.us
家長會: pto@mjcs.us