Announcement on the Tragic Passing of a MJCS Student
Steve Su
Dear Parents and Caregivers:
The MJCS staff and I regret to inform all of you that on December 10th, PC 4 student Elijah Alvarez’s life was tragically taken away from us at the age of 15. His brother Xavier, age 12, was injured during the course of a violent crime that took place in Newark, NJ.
MJCS has created a memorial to support Elijah’s family during this difficult time. Elijah, Xavier, and their two younger sisters are all part of our school family, and we are truly heartbroken at what has happened to them. In addition to helping the Alvarez family in funding Elijah’s funeral, we also would like to support Xavier in his physical and emotional recovery. We hope that everyone will consider making a donation to them, so that they can get through this tragedy. Thank you.
Support for the Family of Elijah Alvarez
Elijah’s funeral information is as below:
Sincerely, Beverly Roun MJCS Principal
抱著沈重悲痛的心情,在此發佈一個訊息,我們實用中文班四年級學生Elijah Alvarez 不幸於12月10日遭16歲歹徒闖入其紐瓦克家中攻擊、被刺當場身亡。他的弟弟,Xavier 身受重傷,目前還在醫院中接受治療。
Elijah 兄妹四人都是我們學校的學生,在震驚悲痛之餘,為協助其家人度過難關,我們成立了一個募款活動,希望大家發揮人飢己飢、人溺己溺、同體大悲的心情,給予Elijah Alvarez 的家人關愛與溫暖!
Elijah Alvarez 的告別式訊息如下:
校長 貝弗麗 敬啟