Jon Lee
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Welcome back, we hope you all had a great summer. To our new students and families, welcome to the Mid-Jersey Chinese School and we look forward to working with you.
We're constantly looking for new ways to improve ourschool curriculumand student learning experience. This year we implemented a couple of important changes based on feedback and suggestions from our students and parents:
- New textbooks for our Practical Chinese and Cantonese classes.
- The implementation of Google Classroom to help students and teachers manage assignments, organize, communicate, and collaborate.
- Improvements on MJCS’ website such as textbook downloads, student assignments and study aids.
Our fall semester begins
9:30am, Saturday, September 15, 2018.
Please plan to arrive early to help your child find their classroom. Classes and room numbers will be posted at the main entrance of the classroom building. Volunteers will be stationed at the school entrance to assist you.
Our school communicates primarily via e-mail. If there is a change in your email, please inform us at your earliest convenience.
MJCS Administration and PTO
- 實用中文班與粵語班將使用新教材
- 開始使用Google Classroom,讓學生與教師在管理作業、溝通及學習互動上,更為便利且有效率。
- 改善學校官網。新功能包括可直接在網上下載教科書、家庭作業及補充教材等。
中部中文學校行政組與家長會 謹啟
If your child is older than five and would like to have more information regarding our curriculum, please feel free to contact us.
如果您的小孩年齡超過五歲, 並對我們的學校和課程感興趣,請隨時與我們聯繫。
If you are a student of MJCS but have not registered, please download and bring back your registeration form on the first day of school.
如果您是本校的學生但尚未註冊, 請在上學的第一天帶回完成的報名表格。