Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
Congratulations to our class of 2018. Chinese class on weekends were never easy but you made it. We are proud of your achievements and dedications. To the parents, thank you for all your sacrifices and perseverance.
- Our school bbq this past weekend went well. The roast pig was out of this world. It wouldn’t be possible without George, Henry, Norm, Wilbur, Guy, and of course, our PTO. Look forward to having another one in the Fall.
- Students need to report to class first prior to attending the graduation ceremony with their teacher before 10:00 am.
- If you have not registered for next school year, please come by the cafetorium to compete your forms ASAP.
- 2018 CACA Chinese Culture Summer Camp has extended its registration. Camp runs from July 23 to 27. Please come by the school for more information or drop-off your applications. You can also visit: http://cacanj.weebly.com to download applications and program details.
Please note our first day of the Fall semester will be on September 15th, 2018. Have a great summer and look forward to seeing you all in September!
PTO Newsletter for 6/16/18
- Last Day to get your PTO refund is this Saturday! Please keep in mind we will need to close out the books once the school year ends and forward PTO financials to CACA. No refunds will be issued after the last day of school. If you have completed your two PTO activities for the year, please stop by the PTO desk in the Cafetorium to request your deposit be returned. If you haven't completed your two PTO activities, we are still looking for volunteers to help with graduation: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-graduation6.
- The following classes will be participating in the Graduation Ceremony: Chinese 101, PC8 and 10A. Please stop by the Cafetorium and pick up your graduation cap and gown rental before you go to class. The tassel with 2018 charm is for you to keep. The gown and cap must be returned after the ceremony and you will receive your $20 deposit back.
- Thank you to all the families who have bought gift cards from PTO throughout the school year. With your support, PTO has sold almost $16,000 worth of gift cards this year - that means the school will get almost $800! Gift cards will still be for sale during graduation, so help us raise even more money for the school!
- A big thank you to 99 Ranch Market located in Edison, Route 1. They have donated $200 for the PTO to purchase Chinese buns for our school year end celebration.
- Back by popular demand, Bo-Hai Dumpling will be back this Saturday to sell their frozen dumplings and buns from 11:00-12:30. If they ran out of your favorites last week, you have another chance to stock up for the summer!a
- 上週六的燒烤聚會聯誼完滿成功!大家都玩得很盡興!特別感謝幾位家長及家長會的協助與安排!沒有你們,烤豬不會如此成功!期待下學期的另一個聚會!
- 本週六是本學年度的畢業典禮 。學生們必須先到教室集合,再由教室帶領進入禮堂參加畢業典禮或觀禮。
- 如果您還沒替孩子註冊的話,請盡快道教務處完成登記。
- 2018中美文化協會夏令營持續接受報名。夏令營時間是7/23-27,詳情請洽教務處,或上網查看、下載報名表:http://cacanj.weebly.com
- 請注意,本週六是退回押金的最後一天!如果您已經完成兩次義工任務,請洽家長會取回押金。如果您還沒有完成兩次義工任務的話,請到這裡登記、擔任畢業典禮義工: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-graduation6.
- 以下班級將在6/16出席本屆畢業典禮:基礎中文班101, 實用中文8班,傳統中文班10甲。請畢業生在上課前先到教務處領取畢業袍、帽與流蘇。畢業生可保留流蘇,帽及袍則必須退還給學校、同時取回20元押金。
- 特別感謝購買超市禮卡、支持學校的家長們!我們今年總共售出價值一萬六千元的禮卡,學校將獲得近八百元的回饋。暑假將至,存些超市禮卡暑假用吧!家長會本週六持續銷售超市禮卡, 請大家踴躍購買。感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
- 特別感謝愛迪生大華超市,捐獻200元給家長會,家長會購買了麵包、將在本週六的期末慶祝活動中饗眾。
- 大受歡迎的渤海村本週六將再蒞校販售北方麵點!別忘了存些麵店美食、暑假享用哦!
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟