Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
- School-wide essay and drawing contest this Saturday.
- There will be no Ping Pong class this week. Make-up class will be on May 12th
- It came to our attention recently that many cars were park illegally around our school facility. This is our first warning and subsequent violations will be fined and tolled at your own expense.Please pay attention to where you park and report any violations to school administration.
- If you are a senior in East Brunswick High School and interested in participating in the Senior Award, please contact school administration immediately. For more information, please visit: https://www.ebnet.org/Page/10924
- Congratulations to Eileen He for wining second place in group A in the recent CACA Chinese Character Recognition Contest.
- CACA Summer Camp is open to registration. Please contact school administration for more information.
- FASCA Princeton is accepting application for 2018 members. The training camp
- contains the two-day learning and training and a whole-year empowerment program. For more information, please contact David Chen (chen.david66@gmail.com) or download applications from http://www.mjcs.us/event-1/
- School is selling year book ads. Please contact school admin if you know any
- merchants or individuals who might be interested.
- Upcoming CACA and ANJCS competitions:
- ANJCS Multimedia/Story/Cultural Presentation Contest at Raritan Valley Chinese School. Sunday, April 15, 2018.
- Calligraphy Contest at Bergen Chinese School on Sunday,April 29, 2018.
PTO Newsletter for 4/28/18
- This Saturday at 10:00am Beverly Roun from New York Life will be conducting a free informational seminar on strategies you can use to maximize your retirement income in light of the changing Social Security landscape. The seminar will be in classroom 406 inside the Cafetorium. Please sign up using the following link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-newyork2.
- Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Domoko Sushi Ramen (teriyaki lunch boxes, noodles and sushi rolls)
- Happy Family (assorted appetizers and lunch boxes)
- Lin's Palace (Taiwanese specialties, soups, homemade Chinese sausages and fish balls)
- 本校作文與繪畫比賽將在本週六舉行。
- 本週六乒乓球課暫停一次。5月12日再行補課.
- 據報,本校家長有違規停車現象發生。今後,違規停車將受罰款、同時拖吊。拖吊費用由車主自行承擔。為維護安全,請按規定將車停在停車場。若發現違規停車狀況,請立刻向校方反應。
- 如果你是東布朗市12年級學生,且計劃參加senior award的話,請洽教務處。詳情請參閱:https://www.ebnet.org/Page/10924
- 恭喜本校學生Eileen He 榮獲中美文化協會認字比賽A組第二名。
- 2018中美文化協會夏令營開始接受報名。時間是7/23-27,詳情請洽教務處,或上網查看、下載報名表:http://cacanj.weebly.com
- 海外青年文化大使團(FASCA)開始招收2018年團員。培訓包括兩天的密集培訓營,及全年度的活動。詳情請見:http://www.mjcs.us/event-1
- 本校年度紀念冊即將進入編排階段。家長們或您們的親友需要刊登廣告的話,請與教務處聯繫。
- 紐澤西中文學校協會(ANJCS)
- 書法比賽將在四月二十九日,假博根中文學校舉行。
- 多媒體/故事/文化海報比賽將於四月十五日假瑞谷中文學校舉行。
- 有鑑於社安金的調整與變化對退休金收入的影響,本週六紐約人壽理財代表貝弗麗女士將以《優化退休金收入的策略》為題,舉辦一場退休金規劃講座, 參與者可獲家長會保證金退費積分一分。請由此連結報名:http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-newyork2.
- 家長會持續銷售超市禮卡,有ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等,請大家踴躍購買。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子!感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
- 家長會徵求新血!我們需要您的熱忱,請發揮您的領導力、為家長會盡心力。意者請洽家長會或電郵mjcspto@mjcs.us
- 本週美食攤(11:00 am -12:300 pm):
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟