Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
- Our Spring semester begins this Saturday. We will celebrate our Chinese New Year next Saturday, the 10th. Please bring your family and invite your friends.
- The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York (TECO) is offering a scholarship to those who are interested in learning Chinese (HES) 華語文獎學金 in Taiwan. The scholarship (HES) offers a generous stipend to study at one of Taiwan’s outstanding language centers for summer, 3, 6 or 9 months. For more details, please visit MJCS’s event page or http://www.edutwny.org.
- Interested in joining an Orchestra? Edison Youth Orchestra is currently recruiting new members. For more information, please visit MJCS’s event page.
- CACA Chinese Year Gala tickets are on sale. This year’s Gala will be held at the APA Hotel Woodbridge on March 10, from 6:00 pm to 12:00 am. Please inquire for more details with our admin at the cafeteria.
From our PTO
- The MJCS Chinese New Year Celebration will be held on Saturday, February 10, 2018. There will be a lion dance, performances by our students, food and carnival games with prizes. Food tickets for the Chinese New Year celebration will go on sale this Saturday in the school lobby. Purchase your tickets in advance to avoid the long lines on the day of the event and get a special discount. For every $10 in advance food tickets that you purchase, receive a free drink ticket.
- The PTO is looking for parent volunteers to help with the Chinese New Year celebration: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-mjcs5. We are also looking for donations of homemade traditional Chinese foods for the celebration. All volunteers and homemade food donations will receive one credit towards the refund of the PTO deposit.
- Don’t forget to pick up your ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards before you go shopping for Chinese New Year! What an easy way to help MJCS PTO in its fund-raising efforts! 5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school. Gift cards can be purchased in the lobby at drop-off or at the PTO table in the Cafetorium.
- Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-1: 00 pm. This week's food vendors are:
• Lin's Palace: New vendor specializing in Taiwanese food, homemade Chinese sausages and fish ball. Special thanks to teacher Cathy Ting for recruiting this extremely popular vendor that sells at Chinese schools throughout the state of New Jersey.
• Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ho-fun noodles, and sushi rolls
• Honest Foods: kimchi, fermented rice, and Asian-style pancakes
- 本週六是春季班的開始。二月十日是本校將舉辦春節慶祝聯歡活動。期待全校師生家長共同參與,也歡迎邀請親朋好友出席。
- 台北經濟文化辦事處提供到台灣學中文的優渥獎學金。有興趣者請到本校網站或www.edutwny.org 瞭解詳情。
- 有興趣加入交響樂團嗎?愛迪生交響樂團招生中,請到本校網站瞭解詳情。
- 中美文化協會年度盛裝晚宴(GALA)門票開始接受訂購。今年的活動日期是三月十日晚上六點到十二點。地點是APA Hotel Woodbridge. 購票與詳情請洽教務處。
- 本校將在二月十日舉辦春節聯歡會,節目包括舞獅、美食、遊戲與獎品。本週將開始預售餐券,請預購避免當日擁擠、同時享有折扣。每預購十元餐券即獲贈飲料券一張。
- 家長會招募春節聯歡會義工,意者請進入此連結登記:http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-mjcs5. 我們也同時徵求家長們捐獻自製傳統美食。捐獻者可取回押金退款。
- 家長會持續銷售超市禮卡,有ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等,請大家踴躍購買。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子!感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
- 本週美食攤(11:00 am -12:00 pm):Domoko 日本壽司及便當、誠實美食的泡菜、酒釀及大餅。特別感謝丁老師引介,本週新增林宮海鮮美食的台式香腸、魚肉羹、現捕新鮮炸魚、肉粽、午餐盒。
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟