Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
Welcome back and Happy New Year. We hope you all had a nice break and well rested.
We have a school open house this Saturday. Please welcome our prospective students and families.
Congratulations to our Cantonese Speech Contest winners.
Group C2: (1) Mikaylee Ho 何芷琪 (2) Talia Miller 陳美麗 (3) Amanda Lam 林庭玉
Group C3: (1) Kayla Yong 翁學儀 (2) Olivia Lee 李雅之 (3) Lucas Lee 李樂之
Group C4: (1) Zachary Ho 何俊安 (2) Allison Lee 李心伊 (3) Ariane You 余嘉瑤
Group C6: (1) Vivian Chung 鐘淑英 (2) Tyler Ho 何俊傑 (3) Lucas Ho 何俊康
Please join our Facebook MJCS family private group for updates and event pictures. www.facebook.com/groups/mjcsfamily
CACA Chinese Year Gala tickets are on sale. This year’s Gala will be held at the APA Hotel Woodbridge on March 10, from 6:00 pm to 12:00 am. Please inquire for more
details with our admin at the cafeteria.
PTO Newsletter for 1/6/18
1) The PTO would like to thank the Youth Volunteers for their help with MJCS's Holiday party last month. Also, special thanks to the Tsui and Jonas families for donating the sweet treats. We hope everyone enjoyed the festivities.
2) Please stop by the PTO desk in the Cafetorium and buy your ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards to support our school! Denominations are available for as low as $10, $20 or $25. 5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school.
3) Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Domoko Sushi Ramen (teriyaki lunch boxes, ho-fun noodles and sushi rolls)
- Honest Foods (kimchi, fermented rice and Asian-style pancakes)
Group C2: (1) Mikaylee Ho 何芷琪 (2) Talia Miller 陳美麗 (3) Amanda Lam 林庭玉
Group C3: (1) Kayla Yong 翁學儀 (2) Olivia Lee 李雅之 (3) Lucas Lee 李樂之
Group C4: (1) Zachary Ho 何俊安 (2) Allison Lee 李心伊 (3) Ariane You 余嘉瑤
Group C6: (1) Vivian Chung 鐘淑英 (2) Tyler Ho 何俊傑 (3) Lucas Ho 何俊康
3. Please join our Facebook MJCS family private group for updates and event pictures. www.facebook.com/groups/mjcsfamily
1. 家長會願藉此機會再次感謝青少年義工的協助,使得這次的耶誕節慶祝活動精采完美、人人都歡喜!也要特別感謝Tsui 與 Jonas families 的糖果點心贊助!
2.請大家踴躍購買家長會代售的超市禮卡,我們有ShopRite, 漢龍超市及大華超市等面額不同的禮卡!每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣,嘉惠學子。感謝大家的支持!
3.本週美食攤: Domoko日本壽司及便當、以及誠實食品的泡菜、酒釀及發麵餅。
教務處及家長會 謹啟