Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
Welcome back! We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
Our speech contest was a success. Many thanks to our volunteers, judges, teachers, and staff. First two places of each group will represent MJCS to compete in this Saturday’s CACA Inter-school Speech contest at Murray Hill Chinese School. Congratulations to our winners, and good luck!
Group A: 1) Austin Bu, 2) Kimberly Ma 馬凱筠, 3) Madeline Yu 尤易
Group B: 1) Kristy Bu, 2) Eileen He 吳念禧, 3) Aaron Wang 王科傑
Group C: 1) Katherine Lau 劉愷曦, 2) Christopher Lau 劉愷翔, 3) Brian Wang
Group D: 1) Brian Roun 阮柏鈞, 2) Jessica Chou周采葳, 3) Nina Chereath 盧維玲
CSL1: 1) Catalina Su-Ortiz, 2) Zoe Quan 關明雅, 3) Nicole 關明麗
CSL2: 1) Nicolas Wan 温家傑, 2) Anthony Chen, 3) Justin So
CSL3: 1)Roger Ma 馬浩鈞, 2) Keith Huang
Our Cantonese speech contest is scheduled on 12/8/17.
From our PTO:
1) Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped with the speech contest. The PTO is now planning our annual holiday party on 12/16/17, 11:30-12:30. We are looking for a parent volunteer to dress up as Santa Claus (we provide the costume) and pose for photos with our students. Please email the PTO at mjcspto@mjcs.us if you would like to volunteer for one PTO credit.
2) The PTO will be in the lobby before and after class this Saturday selling class photos for $5 each. The last day to order class photos will be 12/09/17.
3) Buy your ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards this Saturday from the PTO— they make great teachers' gifts for the holidays! 5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school.
4) Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Happy Family (assorted lunch boxes)
- Domoko Sushi Ramen (teriyaki lunch boxes, ho-fun noodles, and sushi rolls)
- Honest Foods (kimchi, fermented rice and Asian-style pancakes).
Group A: 1) Austin Bu, 2) Kimberly Ma 馬凱筠, 3) Madeline Yu 尤易
Group B: 1) Kristy Bu, 2) Eileen He 吳念禧, 3) Aaron Wang 王科傑
Group C: 1) Katherine Lau 劉愷曦, 2) Christopher Lau 劉愷翔, 3) Brian Wang
Group D: 1) Brian Roun 阮柏鈞, 2) Jessica Chou周采葳, 3) Nina Chereath 盧維玲
CSL1: 1) Catalina Su-Ortiz, 2) Zoe Quan 關明雅, 3) Nicole 關明麗
CSL2: 1) Nicolas Wan 温家傑, 2) Anthony Chen, 3) Justin So
CSL3: 1)Roger Ma 馬浩鈞, 2) Keith Huang
- 感謝在這次演講比賽擔任義工的家長們!家長會現在開始籌劃今年的耶誕節活動,時間是12/16,11:30-12:30. 請願意扮裝耶誕老公公、與學生合照的家長與我們接洽詳情: mjcspto@mjcs.us。學校將提供耶誕老公公服裝。義工將可獲得一個點數。
- 家長會開始出售班級照片。每張五元,請在上課前及上課後向家長會購買。購買截止日是12/9
- 家長會將在廊堂銷售超市禮卡,有ShopRite, 漢龍超市及大華超市等!請大家踴躍購買。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣,嘉惠學子。感謝大家的支持!
- 本週美食攤: 快樂家庭便當、Domoko日本壽司及便當,以及誠實食品的泡菜、酒釀及發麵餅。
教務處及家長會 謹啟