
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 14

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families: 

Happy New Year 2017!!  Wish everyone has healthy and successful year 2017J

This Saturday is our School Cantonese Speech Contest.  Wish all our contestants doing their best!

Volleyball class will resume this Saturday from 12pm to 1pm.

This Sunday 1/8, a great GuZheng concert will be performed by a well-known teacher Changyuan Wang at Lincoln Center, New York.  During the concert, our Folk dance class teacher Chao’s daughter will present a solo piece and three group pieces in the concert.  Anyone who is interested in GuZheng will enjoy this concert.  Please see the flyer sending with newsletter for more details.

Please note our PC3 teacher Joy Huang is giving free tutoring starting at 11:30am at Cafeteria.  Any students who is interested in having tutoring class, please email teacher Huang at ( before Saturday (appointment only).

Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO.  Please check our school website constantly. 

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

1/14/17 -- Marin Luther King, Jr. Day 馬丁路德節 - 停課 School Closed

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

PTO News:

PTO would like to wish all our MJCS Families a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!

1. Cantonese Speech Contest this week.  Good luck to all the students who will be participating.  Thank you in advance to the volunteers who signed up to help run this event.

2. Please remember to stop by the PTO desk and purchase Shoprite and Hmart gift cards.  The school gets 5% of all purchases.  We sold to date $6,200 and we need your help in reaching our goal of $16,000!! 

3. Support MJCS and PTO by purchasing your child's class photo for $5 each.  Stop by the  PTO desk and place your photo order.

4. Vendors this week:

Hsui-Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

Tasty Bakery

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO






新年快樂! 祝大家有個平安健康及事想心成的2017年J

本週六是校內粵語演講比賽。 預祝所有的參賽同學都有最好的表現!


本週曰1/8 在曼哈頓的林肯中心有一場精彩的古箏演奏會,由著名古箏大師王昌元女士演奏。 演奏會中有本校民族舞蹈班杜老師的女兒表演一曲獨奏及三曲合奏。任何對古箏樂器有興趣的家庭不要錯過這次的演奏會!詳細內容請看電郵其中的海報。

實用中文3班胡瑞華老師週六會在禮堂提供免費的中文輔導課。 請有需要的學生在週六前電郵報名給胡老師:( (只接受報名通知)


溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站


1/14/17 -- Marin Luther King, Jr. Day 馬丁路德節 - 停課 School Closed  

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):



1. 本週六是校內粵語演講比賽。 預祝所有的學生有最好的表現並感謝義工的幫忙。

2. 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!Shoprite $25 Hmart 和 $20 giftcards 禮卷本校已經賣出了$6200的禮券。 我們的目標是$16,000元!希望各位多多支持!

3.請大家多多支持和購買各班級照片。 每5x7 尺寸只要$5 一張。

4. 以下是本周美食攤位:

Hsui-Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

Tasty Bakery



教務處及家長會 敬上