Week 15
Calvin Liu
Dear MJCS Families:
Hope all students had great long weekend breakJ
Important notice: School will be closed on 1/28 and opened on 2/4. Chinese New Year celebration will be on 2/4. School Calendar has been updated.
Congratulations to our winners listed below in our Cantonese Speech Contest!!
C1 C2
1st Place - 何芷琪 Ho, Mikaylee 1st Place - 翁學儀 Yong, Kayla
2nd Place - 陳美麗 Miller, Talia 2nd Place - 李雅之 Lee, Olivia
3rd Place - 方可儀 Fong, Elise 3rd Place - 李樂之 Lee, Lucas
C3 C5
1ST Place - 余嘉瑤 Yu, Ariane 1ST Place - 何俊康 Ho, Lucas
2nd Place - 何俊安 Ho, Zachary 2nd Place - 何俊傑 Ho, Tyler
3rd Place - 李心園 Lee, Danielle
C6 C7
1st Place – 李簡俊 Lee, Evan 1st Place - 李簡悅 Lee, Chloe
2nd Place - 譚慧玲 Tom, Stephanie 2nd Place - 譚秀玲 Tom, Natalie
3rd Place – 李彤 Lee, Ellen 3rd Place - 方巧思 Fong, Nicole
All our contestants did good jobs and each of you is definitely a winner to usJ
Volleyball class will resume from 12pm to 1pm this Saturday.
Please note our PC3 teacher Joy Huang is giving free tutoring starting at 11:30am at Cafeteria. Any students who is interested in having tutoring class, please email teacher Huang at (reihwahu03@yahoo.com) before Saturday (appointment only).
Please note our formal principal, Mr. Wei Hann, is having a furniture show every January and after the show lots of the samples (unboxes) will be sold with great discount! Anyone who is interested in buying great quality furniture at great princes don’t miss it! Plus, part of the purchasing will be donation toward to our school! Please mention our school name when purchasing. It’s a great way to get what you want and give big help to the school at the same time. The actual date and address will be announced later.
Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO. Please check our school website constantly.
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information: www.mjcs.us
Upcoming MJCS activities
1/28 -- 農曆新年 農曆歲次-丁酉雞年 - 停課 School Closed
2/4 -- 期末考 Final Exam and 春節慶祝聯歡會Chinese New Year Celebration 11:15AM ~ 1:00PM
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
PTO News:
1. This Saturday 1/21/17 - NEW YORK LIFE SEMINAR:
Do I need Estate Planning?
How can I plan for my children's college tuition?
Beverly Roun, licensed agent with New York Life, Jennytyng Chern, Esq. and Owen Liu, CPA will help you answer these questions!
Location: Seminar room 406
Time: 10 - 11:30 am
Attendees will receive one credit towards the refund of their PTO deposit.
PTO will be selling advanced food tickets at a discount this week. Take advance of discount and avoid the long lines by purchasing your tickets this weekend!
3. Class pictures are available for $5 each. Please support PTO by purchasing your children's class photos!
4. Please remember to support the school by purchasing Shoprite and HMart gift cards towards your holiday shopping! 5% of gift card purchases goes to the school!!
STOP BY PTO/ADMIN table to make your Giftcard, CNY food ticket and class photo purchases this weekend! Thank you in advance for your support!!
5. Vendors this week:
Asian Wok
BO Hai Dumpling
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese kitchen
Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
重要消息: 學校將在1/28停課並在2/4上課。 農曆新年慶祝會將移至2/4早上舉行。 學校行事曆已經更新。
讓我們恭喜今年校內粵語演講比賽的優勝學生!! 名次表如以下:
C1 C2
1st Place - 何芷琪 Ho, Mikaylee 1st Place - 翁學儀 Yong, Kayla
2nd Place - 陳美麗 Miller, Talia 2nd Place - 李雅之 Lee, Olivia
3rd Place - 方可儀 Fong, Elise 3rd Place - 李樂之 Lee, Lucas
C3 C5
1ST Place - 余嘉瑤 Yu, Ariane 1ST Place - 何俊康 Ho, Lucas
2nd Place - 何俊安 Ho, Zachary 2nd Place - 何俊傑 Ho, Tyler
3rd Place - 李心園 Lee, Danielle
C6 C7
1st Place – 李簡俊 Lee, Evan 1st Place - 李簡悅 Lee, Chloe
2nd Place - 譚慧玲 Tom, Stephanie 2nd Place - 譚秀玲 Tom, Natalie
3rd Place – 李彤 Lee, Ellen 3rd Place - 方巧思 Fong, Nicole
所有參賽的同學表現得非常優秀! 在大家的心目中各位都是優勝者!
實用中文3班胡瑞華老師週六會在禮堂提供免費的中文輔導課。 請有需要的學生在週六前電郵報名給胡老師:(reihwahu03@yahoo.com) (只接受報名通知)
本校前校長 韓偉先生每年一月底會舉辦一次大型家具展示會。 其中將會有許多全新家具以非常優惠價賣出,有興趣的家庭千萬不要錯過!並且您在韓校長所購買的部分金額將會成為對學校的捐款!這是對您和學校雙贏的買賣:) 麻請在購買時告知您是本校家庭。學校會在實際日期和地址確定後發出通知。
溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站:www.mjcs.us
1/28 -- 農曆新年 農曆歲次-丁酉雞年 - 停課 School Closed
2/4 -- 期末考 Final Exam and 春節慶祝聯歡會Chinese New Year Celebration 11:15AM ~ 1:00PM
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
1. 本週六有紐約人壽舉辦的坐談會:
坐談會由Beverly Roun, licensed agent with New York Life, Jennytyng Chern, Esq. and Owen Liu, CPA主講並回答問題
Location: Seminar room 406
Time: 10 - 11:30 am
2. 2/4 -- 農曆新年慶祝會
家長可以在本週購買當天食物票並有優惠票價。 早買票的家庭就可以不用花太多時間在排隊買票上哦!
3.請大家多多支持和購買各班級照片。 每5x7 尺寸只要$5 一張。
4.請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!Shoprite $25 Hmart 和 $20 giftcards 禮卷本校已經賣出了$6200的禮券。 我們的目標是$16,000元!希望各位多多支持!
Asian Wok
BO Hai Dumpling
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese kitchen
Jen Lee
教務處及家長會 敬上